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Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders
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TOPIC: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders

Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42632

  • fale
dajo wrote:

The tables for custom fields are _virtuemart_customs and _virtuemart_product_customfields.

The utf8_general_ci is required only for the columns of type char, varchar or text, so you have it set up correctly.

What versions of Joomla and VM Invoice do you use?

Joomla! 2.5.17
Virtuemart 2.0.24c


1 show_title tinyint(1) Нет 1
2 virtuemart_custom_id int(11) UNSIGNED Нет Нет AUTO_INCREMENT
3 custom_parent_id int(1) UNSIGNED Нет 0
4 virtuemart_vendor_id smallint(11) Нет 1
5 custom_jplugin_id int(11) Нет 0
6 custom_element char(50) utf8_general_ci Нет
7 admin_only tinyint(1) Нет 0
8 custom_title char(255) utf8_general_ci
9 custom_tip char(255) utf8_general_ci Нет
10 custom_value char(255) utf8_general_ci Да NULL
11 custom_field_desc char(255) utf8_general_ci Да NULL
12 field_type char(1) utf8_general_ci Нет 0
13 is_list tinyint(1) Нет 0
14 is_hidden tinyint(1) Нет 0
15 is_cart_attribute tinyint(1) Нет 0
16 layout_pos char(24) utf8_general_ci Да NULL
17 custom_params text utf8_general_ci Да NULL
18 shared tinyint(1) Нет 0
19 published tinyint(1) Нет 1
20 created_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
21 created_by int(11) Нет 0
22 ordering int(2) Нет 0
23 modified_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
24 modified_by int(11) Нет 0
25 locked_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
26 locked_by int(11) Нет 0


1 virtuemart_customfield_id int(11) UNSIGNED
2 virtuemart_product_id int(11) Нет 0
3 virtuemart_custom_id int(11) Нет 1
4 custom_value varchar(8000) utf8_general_ci Да NULL
5 custom_price decimal(15,5) Да NULL
6 custom_param varchar(12800) utf8_general_ci Да NULL
7 published tinyint(1) Нет 1
8 created_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
9 created_by int(1) UNSIGNED Нет 0
10 modified_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
11 modified_by int(1) UNSIGNED Нет 0
12 locked_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
13 locked_by int(1) UNSIGNED Нет 0
14 ordering int(2) Нет 0
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Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42650

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Everything looks all right, so unfortunately I have no idea why Russian characters are displayed incorrectly.
What version of VM Invoice do you use? You can find out on VM Invoice's Control panel on the right side.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42655

  • fale
version of VM Invoice 2.0.28
Maybe the problem ajaks?
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Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42700

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Are the characters incorrect right when you open existing order in VM Invoice, or only when you add a new product to the order? In the first case, it's not AJAX problem. In the second case, it is.
ARTIO Support Team
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