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Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders
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TOPIC: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders

Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42588

  • ShikhovS
В файле autiliti.js нужно заменить строку 80 на http_ask.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');

The file should be replaced autiliti.js on line 80 http_ask.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');
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Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42608

  • fale

Comparison of coding MySQL connection : utf8_general_ci . Database comparison utf8_general_ci
The tables use utf8 character set. Not all lines of tables encoded utf-8
I have a question. Which table are " custom fields "?

For example table "virtuemart_order_items" has the structure:

1 delivery_date varchar(200) utf8_general_ci
2 product_discountedPriceWithoutTax decimal(15,5) Да NULL
3 product_priceWithoutTax decimal(15,5) Да NULL
4 virtuemart_order_item_id int(11) UNSIGNED
5 virtuemart_order_id int(11) Да NULL
6 virtuemart_vendor_id smallint(11) Нет 1
7 virtuemart_product_id int(11) Да NULL
8 order_item_sku char(64) utf8_general_ci Нет
9 order_item_name char(255) utf8_general_ci Нет
10 product_quantity int(11) Да NULL
11 product_item_price decimal(15,5) Да NULL
12 product_tax decimal(15,5) Да NULL
13 product_basePriceWithTax decimal(15,5) Да NULL
14 product_final_price decimal(15,5) Нет 0.00000
15 product_subtotal_discount decimal(15,5) Нет 0.00000
16 product_subtotal_with_tax decimal(15,5) Нет 0.00000
17 order_item_currency int(11) Да NULL
18 order_status char(1) utf8_general_ci Да NULL
19 product_attribute text utf8_general_ci Да NULL
20 created_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
21 created_by int(11) Нет 0
22 modified_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
23 modified_by int(11) Нет 0
24 locked_on datetime Нет 0000-00-00 00:00:00
25 locked_by int(11) Нет 0

Do I understand correctly, I need to put in each row utf8_general_ci ?

I checked. In the admin so:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

Thank you that you are helping me!
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Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42609

  • fale
ShikhovS wrote:
В файле autiliti.js нужно заменить строку 80 на http_ask.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');

The file should be replaced autiliti.js on line 80 http_ask.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');

Where exactly is this file? I have no such file.
Где находится этот файл? Искал-не нашёл. Может этот файл относится к твоему шаблону?
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Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42610

  • fale
Нашёл, попробую.
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Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42611

  • fale
ShikhovS wrote:
В файле autiliti.js нужно заменить строку 80 на http_ask.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');

The file should be replaced autiliti.js on line 80 http_ask.overrideMimeType('text/xml; charset=UTF-8');

I checked. does not work
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Re: Invoice / Order does not display a list of orders 11 years ago #42615

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The tables for custom fields are _virtuemart_customs and _virtuemart_product_customfields.

The utf8_general_ci is required only for the columns of type char, varchar or text, so you have it set up correctly.

What versions of Joomla and VM Invoice do you use?
ARTIO Support Team
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