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Changing the email options breaks the install
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PDF Invoice generator and editor for Joomla and VirtueMart.

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TOPIC: Changing the email options breaks the install

Re: Changing the email options breaks the install 14 years ago #20541

Hi Jan
What I have noticed is that none of the pdf invoices that have been generated in all the tests, has the £ symbol been displayed. I have tried all the fonts.

I have tried and set the alternative to £|GBP, this works in as much as GBP gets displayed on the pdf , BUT there error is still there and the site still breaks.
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Re: Changing the email options breaks the install 14 years ago #20542

Hi Jan
Is it possible that
$this->currency = &CurrencyDisplay::getInstance();
cannot work due to the db being locked while the pdf is being created or in the queue for processing?

I say this as this seems to be the hanging point as I mentioned before, until the emails have been sent the error remains. As soon as the emails have been sent the page can be refreshed and the success page is displayed.

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Re: Changing the email options breaks the install 14 years ago #20546

  • jaku

it really seems you have done some extensive testing.

Well, if I analyze the error
Call to undefined method CurrencyDisplay::getInstance()

it means that CurrencyDisplay class is defined, but it does not have any getInstance method.

I am sure OUR CurrencyDisplay class (admininstrator/com_vminvoice/helpers/currencydispaly.php) has it.
(please confirm by checking the source code at your site)

If the method is defined there, then the only logical conlusiion would be, that within your Joomla site, there exists another CurrencyDisplay class, that is defined BEFORE ours and this one does not define the getInstance method.
(so that would be a conflict of the class names among different components; it might be also plugin or other VirtueMart add-on)

I think this is the only possible explanation in your case. Try to search in your site source code, whether another class CurrencyDisplay exists outside the VM Invoice component.
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Re: Changing the email options breaks the install 14 years ago #20550

Hi Jan

$CURRENCY_DISPLAY = $GLOBALS['CURRENCY_DISPLAY'] = new CurrencyDisplay($currency_display["id"], $currency_display["symbol"], $currency_display["nbdecimal"], $currency_display["sdecimal"], $currency_display["thousands"], $currency_display["positive"], $currency_display["negative"]);

Exists in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/global.php, but as this is a vm component I would have thought you already knew that that existed.
and also...
Last Edit: 14 years ago by clunky.
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Re: Changing the email options breaks the install 14 years ago #20551

I have just upgraded to joomla v 1.5.22 just in case but the same error still exists.
Same as before, the frontend will not show the confirmation page until the emails have been sent.

And the £ symbol is not displayed in the pdf when it arrives either.
Last Edit: 14 years ago by clunky.
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Re: Changing the email options breaks the install 14 years ago #20552

Another test.

If I turn off automatic delivery and set it to manual,in configuration then everything works as it should. (apart from the emails not getting sent automatically)

As soon as I enable auto it breaks.
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