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HELP! - Fatal error: Class 'SEFConfig' not found
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: HELP! - Fatal error: Class 'SEFConfig' not found

HELP! - Fatal error: Class 'SEFConfig' not found 14 years, 6 months ago #14827

I installed JoomSEF on the site some 4 days ago and all was fine. It installed correctly, was running fine and there were no problems. Now when I go to the front page nothing loads and try to log in to admin and I am getting . . .

Fatal error: Class 'SEFConfig' not found in /home/xxxxxxxx/public_html/plugins/system/joomsef.php on line 39

Looking around the forums you have said that this is caused because of a failed or incomplete installation (which doesn't really apply to this case as it DID install and work correctly initially), my question is now that I can't get into admin, how do I completely uninstall JoomSEF now so that I might login without problems and reinstall . . . ? What files do I need to remove to solve this . . . ?

Last Edit: 14 years, 6 months ago by CMYKreative.
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Re:HELP! - Fatal error: Class 'SEFConfig' not found 14 years, 5 months ago #14838

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Make sure that you use PHP5 on your server, and that there is the /administrator/components/com_sef/classes/config.php file present.

You should be able to login if you remove the /plugins/system/joomsef.php file (or just move it, so you have it backed up).

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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