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virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together
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TOPIC: virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together

virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 11 months ago #11267


After installing Joomsef 3.6.0 the checkout of Virtuemart 1.1.4 (I bought sef extension version 2.0.19) doesn't work properly combined with joomfish 2.0.4:

When choosing the english version (german is default language) the language changes from english into german when checking out. No chance to check out in english. The rest of the shop works without problems in both languages. I didn't have these problems with sef version 3.5.5.

Could someone help me please?

Thank you

Last Edit: 14 years, 11 months ago by patbe60.
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 11 months ago #11344

  • jaku
did you try to purge the related VM checkout URLs or tried configuring VirtueMart checkout not to use SEF URLs?
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 11 months ago #11352

The problem is caused by the setting in the control panel -> configuration -> Joomfish -> Main language: German. If I choose "none" it works fine.
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 11 months ago #11714


That is the best solution ever!!!!

I was looking for a solution for weeks until I found this thread. Such a little tip with such big results. Thank you so very, very much!

I already accepted the fact that my website was going to be without SEF urls and then this comes along...

I hope others with the same problem find this... So for the search engines:

Virtuemart and Joomfish and Artio language switches back to default.

Thank you patbe60, but I think you already got that..hihi
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 11 months ago #11716

The search engine problem is only between Joomfish and Virtuemart, it also happens when SEO is turned off.
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Re:virtuemart and joomfish no longer work together 14 years, 11 months ago #11717

Hé Patbe,

It worked fine when I turned off Artio. Offcourse one shouldn't forget to switch the JFRouter to Artio Router in plugins otherwise is doesn't work at all.

But that was exactly why it was so hard to find. I was only kicked back to the default language during checkout when I had Artio turned on.

By switching the default language to "none" it workes fine.
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