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MyBlog extension problem
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Support forum for customers who have purchased paid JoomSEF extension. Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: MyBlog extension problem

Re:MyBlog extension problem 15 years ago #10651

  • jaku
are you sure you are installing it on the right place?
I do not quite understand, how you could get "Cannot upgrade. Either your JoomSEF version is up to date or its upgrade is no longer supported" when installing extension.
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Re:MyBlog extension problem 15 years ago #10670

Out of frustration, I have tried installing it in the JoomSEF upgrade manager as well as Joomlas extension manager. Neither work... the first gives the message I told you about before, the second errors out.

Are there installation instructions for this JoomSEF add-on? Are neither of those installation areas correct?
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Re:MyBlog extension problem 15 years ago #10717

  • jaku
the procedure how to install extension is described here:

Btw. there has been a new release of MyBlog extension made available today, so you may want to donwload the latest file.
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Re:MyBlog extension problem 14 years, 11 months ago #11088

The instructions say:

In order to install a JoomSEF extension, go to Components -> JoomSEF and click the Install button in the toolbar. At the following page, use the Install SEF Extension form to install new extension from the package.

1. There is no install button in the tool bar. There is an upgrade button - when I try using that page, I get:

Cannot upgrade.
Either your JoomSEF version is up to date or its upgrade is no longer supported

Am I doing something wrong? If so.. please tell me.

2. Thank you for letting me know there is a new MyBlog extension. If you noticed from my earlier posts and emails to support, I had mentioned also that even though this JoomSEF - Extensions Management page shows that this extension is paid and gives a button to "Get Extension" This button merely takes me to your shop. One would assume that this is not where it is supposed to go.. I would have guessed it would download an update to the extension.

The bottom line is... you will need to tell me how I get the new extension - there isnt any apparant way that Im seeing to do so. Perhaps I'm missing it. Help please....
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Re:MyBlog extension problem 14 years, 11 months ago #11101

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The easiest way to accomplish both the tasks would be:

1. Go to Manage Extensions page in JoomSEF
2. Click the MyBlog component - you should see the page with extension parameters on the right side
3. In the Common tab, set your "Extension Download ID" (you got it via e-mail when you bought the MyBlog extension)
4. Hit Save button
5. Now when you click the Get extension button, the newest version of MyBlog extension should be installed automatically

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:MyBlog extension problem 14 years, 4 months ago #15246

Did this issue ever get resolved? I'm using joomsef 3.7.4 and also purchased the myblog extension. When I try to upgrade manually I get

"Cannot upgrade.
Either your JoomSEF version is up to date or its upgrade is no longer supported"

If I follow the method where you input the download ID and hit download from server, I get the same message.
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