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Two URLs created for single Static Content Item
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Two URLs created for single Static Content Item

Re:Two URLs created for single Static Content Item 17 years, 10 months ago #1985

Hi scanreg.

It will limit it in the way that you will loose the control over modules on your site. You wont be able to have some modules published on some pages, and unpublished on others. Either a module is published and it appears on all pages, or it doesnt exist.
Maybe this will work for some users with simple sites, but serious webmasters wont be able to use Joomsef with Exclude source info (Itemid) set to YES.
Too bad, though.
Without this duplicate content issue, Joomsef would be dream-come-true SEF component.
We must help the guys from Artio to solve this.

Re:Two URLs created for single Static Content Item 17 years, 10 months ago #1987

  • jirka

thanks Zeljo for explaining the drawbacks of excluding the Itemid from the URLs. It is btw. described also in documentation.

Well, we would really like to make JoomSEF even better, but there are limits given by the way how Joomla! 1.0.x series is written and creates its URLs. This Itemid issue, cannot be solved in much other ways than JoomSEF already offers -- well, sometimes, it may be guessed based on menu item name (that is also implemented), but that is also not 100% reliable (especially in cases, when you have 2 menus with items named the same where each of them has different Itemid). Also, in this "guessing" case, it would not be possible to name your URL as you like, but it would always have to correspond to a menu item name. So I think there is not really any genial solution -- and believe me, we have spent quite a lot of time thinking about all options possible.

So to have a perfect SEO site, you need not only to use JoomSEF, but also consider how Joomla! works and what are its limitations and adjust your site design to that.

So, a dream-come-true component would be really nice to have, but I am afraid that at given circumstances (meaning how the core Joomla code works) this is not far from having a "perpetum mobile" wish.

Anyway, any ideas that could help us making JoomSEF better are welcome here.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team<br><br>Post edited by: jirka, at: 2007/04/26 23:17

Re:Two URLs created for single Static Content Item 17 years, 10 months ago #1988

Thank you so much, both, for such informative answers. This really helps me understand things, and I'm very grateful. Thanks, again :-)

Re:Two URLs created for single Static Content Item 17 years, 10 months ago #1998

thank you very much for your time. I agree completely with you regarding joomla and its seo 'friendliness'. It is a major drawback.

Could anything be done by redirect rules in .htaccess? To put a 301permanent redirect on content items with -1,-2,-3,etc.. suffixes??

Kind regards,

Re:Two URLs created for single Static Content Item 17 years, 10 months ago #2010

  • psyko
Hi, put this in your .htaccess nright after your RewriteBase/

RewriteRule ^(.*)-[0-9]+.html$ YOUR-SITE/$1.html [L,R=301]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/[0-9]+.html$ YOUR-SITE/$1.html [L,R=301]

This will simply redirect all duplicate to the main adress
Hope this helpful<br><br>Post edited by: psyko, at: 2007/04/30 22:12

Re:Two URLs created for single Static Content Item 17 years, 10 months ago #2011

Hi Pascal, tahnk you for your post.

I think that this might work, I found on some other forums this as a solution. However, I have a sligh problem since my section/category look like


so I think this rewrite rule will not help me with those (since it deals only with .html urls).

Would you please be so kind and tell me the Rewrite syntax that would solve this problem of mine?

Kind regards,
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