this is the sef url
I go to manage sef url - view mode "show duplicity"
For the category "food&wine" I've 2 url:
1) index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=44&Itemid=162
2) index.php?option=com_content&id=44&layout=blog&view=category&Itemid=162
Really, the first one was
I changed it, by making a copy/paste from the url showed in "managing menu magazine", that is the menu related to section and category.
I changed the "default" url with the first one I posted because I thought it was the solution: eliminating default url and substituting it with the "blog" url.
Never works!
How can I delete the wrong url? If I desactivate it, is it the same thing?
Another question: if I put "yes" on "number duplicate url", don't I run the risk to have link duplicity?
Very thanks!