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assistance needed in initial configuration
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TOPIC: assistance needed in initial configuration

assistance needed in initial configuration 13 years, 7 months ago #23245

hello. my business partner purchased e2 license this past weekend, and i am wondering if someone could assist in walking me through implementation of etickets. i have installed base joomla 1.5.x, installed virtuemart 1.1.9. i have created tickets category in vm, then created organizations and objects and finally a ticket to be purchased. i am unclear on what page/component/etc. i'm to display on front end so users can purchase a ticket. i've displayed all options available from eticket componnet and i get 'i'm not authorized to view' error on all options there. i then tried displaying the product i created via vm. i can go through checkout like normal transaction but do not receive ticket or pdf in email.

i've done these steps on front both authenticated and non-authenticated. when authenticated i get error when going to any of the etickets menu items i created stating configuration file for virtuemart is missing, then it displays where configuration file should be. i then browse to that path and find the configuration file it states it cannot find.

i have done these steps on 2 different domains in efforts to figure out and troubleshoot. first domain i get no errors on initial installation of etickets component, same for vm. on second domain - a totally separate vm i get error upon installing etickets components stating:

"JFile::copy: It was not possible to find or read the selected file: '/home/dnswi/public_html/home/dnswi/public_html/components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/basket/basket_b2c.html_tmp.php'

i do not mind paying for support assuming I can spend an hour in the next day to get this solution up and running. i can host a webex session to troubleshoot.

please engage me via email address on my profile, or shoot me a reply back here for next steps.


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Re: assistance needed in initial configuration 13 years, 7 months ago #23255

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

The front end views are made for authorized personal only. So you have to be logged-in as a manager to access this views.
I just say, that tickets category flypage must be set to "VMeTicketFlyPage.tpl". And also you must set the VirtueMart configurations to "Enable Downloads" (VirtueMart->Configuration->Downloads). The email with download id is send after the order status is switched to "confirmed" (the status is adjustable) There is no PDF file in the email (normal VM function) but download id and download link.

In the problem with the "missing" configuration file you can try to check the linux access rights of the configuration file. But likely it's caused by some VM module, which is trying to use the configuration file. The reason of the problem is bad use of require_once function in VM module. You can try to turn off some VM modules in Joomla settings.

If you look at the error message (you send) closer, you can see, that the first part of the path is doubled (/home/dnswi/public_html). And of course this file doesn't exists. The path is taken from VM configuration file, and sometimes happen, that the path is in different form (not relative path, but full path). Please, modify the "VM_THEMEPATH" definition is the configuration file before the eTicket installation.

If you'll have some other questions, let ask me again. PeDu
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: assistance needed in initial configuration 13 years, 7 months ago #23257

thanks very much for your reply. we found that we were able to get up and running after i deleted all files and database to start fresh... i do have one, maybe two questions. where do i go to edit what is emailed to the user in the email that contains download link? also, where can i turn off email notifications to user when status of their order has changed? for example in testing right now we are using cash option for payment so we are manually changing payment status to spawn download link email... so from initial order to download the user is getting 3 emails when i feel only 2 are really needed.
thank you!
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Re: assistance needed in initial configuration 13 years, 7 months ago #23259

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177
In the fact, VMeTicket is VirtueMart extension, and the email sending function is a part of VM. I think, that the email templates are stored somewhere in the VM code, but it's quite mess. Also be careful if you make a VM code modification, after next component update it should be rewritten. VM has stored in database, which classes and methods are used for some system events. It's better to copy the VM class to your own file, rename it and change the class in the database.
I recommend you to check the VM settings first, but I didn't found anything.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 13 years, 7 months ago by pedu.
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Re: assistance needed in initial configuration 13 years, 7 months ago #23260

hi again, thanks for your reply. to make custom email to go out with the download link is possible, i see this is possible because your email is custom to me when we purchased the ticket component. any chance i can get you to point me in the right direction of where to look? i appreciate your help!

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Re: assistance needed in initial configuration 13 years, 7 months ago #23261

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177
Some email templates you can get in the VM theme path (front end) /templates/order_emails. But I think, that the email with download Id isn't there.
I think, that the download id email template is sreated in /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_order.php -> mail_download_id (not 100% sure). Or you can check other classes, or try to search a part of the email text in files.
ARTIO Support Team
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