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Disappearing Quantity value box on Product page
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TOPIC: Disappearing Quantity value box on Product page

Re: Disappearing Quantity value box on Product page 12 years, 12 months ago #28382

The issue isn't the "Add to Cart" box not displaying, just the quantity value box/option in the Add to Cart form is disappearing. The rest of the Add to Cart form displays just fine.

I've played around with stock options as well, just to make sure it wasn't something I missed. But the quantity box remains hidden. Switching away from the VM e-Ticket flypage though as suggested allows the quantity box to appear (though various other things start appearing too).

Do I need to change something in the flypage then? Might this be a setting or config?
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Re: Disappearing Quantity value box on Product page 12 years, 12 months ago #28384

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

I think that I understand now. The quantity box isn't displayed there when there is the seats selection for the ticket. If you can select the seats, then the quantity is defined by the number of the selected seats (in the fact you add each seat as separate item with quantity 1 to cart - can't be changed).
In this case it's not a bug, but one of the features of the modified flypage.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Disappearing Quantity value box on Product page 12 years, 12 months ago #28386

pedu wrote:

I think that I understand now. The quantity box isn't displayed there when there is the seats selection for the ticket. If you can select the seats, then the quantity is defined by the number of the selected seats (in the fact you add each seat as separate item with quantity 1 to cart - can't be changed).
In this case it's not a bug, but one of the features of the modified flypage.

I see. However, the ticket I set up doesn't have seat selection, since this is an open ticket type (for admissions to a venue that isn't limited to seating capacity). As there is no seat selection, I wanted a quantity box to be available so one can specify how many tickets they wish to purchase before they add to cart.

Is it possible to trigger the quantity box option when there is no seat selection present for the ticket?
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Re: Disappearing Quantity value box on Product page 12 years, 11 months ago #28491

  • pedu
  • Posts: 177

yes, the tickets without seats selection should have the quantity input displayed. But this is managed by VirtueMart. It could make some problems sometimes. You can try to create new ticket, if it will be displayed correctly (easiest way). Maybe some product settings is wrong.
ARTIO Support Team
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