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New Customer, Paid Subscription, Problems.
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: New Customer, Paid Subscription, Problems.

Re: New Customer, Paid Subscription, Problems. 13 years, 3 months ago #25026

  • jaku

1) being unable to do online upgrade is caused by security setting on your server (it restricts remote connections to other servers); in such cases, you need to use "Upgrade from installation package"

2) as regards your other question, you wrote you have copied configuration to paid version? How?
I think you simply did not configure your templates/objects correctly and they have no bookable periods set. (if you have copied something from the free version, maybe it was not copied in full)
So simply review all the settings and make sure you have the bookable periods properly defined in your current version.

3) "Also the description box shows that it has been highlighted in blue, which this is not the case, how can I fix these?" -> Sorry I do not understand what you mean by this. What description box you have in mind?

One more note... you have purchased a version without guaranteed support time. For more expensive Pro version, the guaranteed time is 2 business days. We had national holiday on Friday, so it was not a business day and my colleagues has informed you about this. So in fact, this is the 3rd business day now. I think that it is still acceptable. Anyway, if you are not happy about that, you have option to purchase priority support with 1-business day response time at
Last Edit: 13 years, 3 months ago by .
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Re: New Customer, Paid Subscription, Problems. 13 years, 3 months ago #25032

1) my servers currently do remote connections to other servers and run cron job to perform backups so therefore the security problem can't be effecting my situation? But I am happy to use the manual upgrade option even though it is annoying... I assume it's a folder in the normal download?

2) when I say copy I do not mean copy files and FTP them I ment I cross referenced the settings from the free version against the paid version and have applied them exactly. This was done manually and I have double checked and triple checked and am still checking and I cannot see anything wrong.

3) the description box of the object the box has blue borders and blue text and appears as though it has been highlighted by the curser but if you say it is supposed to be like this and it is a CSS setting I will find that and fix it.

I did not purchase the guaranteed support version as I had the free version which was working fine and therefore felt no need to purchase the support version as I expect that when I pay for something I expect it to work as standard out of the box and perhaps pay support for customisation.

As I am sure you can understand I do not want to purchase you support packages as there has been no signs of active support on the forum, what I have already paid for does not work and also the response times you are quoting are incorrect as I first emailed support on 21st the day after I purchased the extension this to my calculations is 11 days.

Since this is for a client of mine that is getting very frustrated I propose the following. If you are unwilling to sort the problems out as a matter of urgency then I propose that I give you access to my server with admin login details and FTP of needed, you fix the issues and get them working live and then send me a bill.

I apologise if at times my manner has been high rated and show signs of frustration but this project should have been completed last week and I really need this resolving as a matter of urgency.

I can send details via email if you accept my proposal.
Last Edit: 13 years, 3 months ago by comptek.
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Re: New Customer, Paid Subscription, Problems. 13 years, 3 months ago #25034

  • jaku

I belive we can agree on that. I suppose it will be a small configuration issue only.
Please, send us your details to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. , I will look for them there.

As regards 3) you are right; it is only that the template we deliver as default with the component has problably blue font color defined for this box; it should not be a problem to change it in CSS files;
anyway, we can change it for you as the part of what we have afreed on - just tell me what color you wan us to set? standard black?

Ad 1) security settings at cron-job level using SSH or other protocols may be (and probably are) different compared to security restrictions for Apache based php applications (Joomla); we already changed a way how online upgrades are made to make it functional even for users who have allow_url_fopen restriction enabled, but still, at some servers, there are still other measures in place that prevent the communication; I cannot say what it may be in your case as I would have to be able to access your server and check its configuration, but I can say there is no service limitaion at our server side;

As regards the supprot procided, I understand it may be an urgent matter for you. However, please udnerstand we solve dozens of support cases every day. Therefore, we of course do them according to priority - paid supports first, then support for those who have the guarented support times, then the other paid components and at last free components.
In fact we have no more capacity to provide much of support for free components, so those are dependent only on community support mostly. And as regards the paid ungaranteed support, I admit sometimes our response times may be long, but believe me that we are doing what we can and sooner or later, we try to reply our paying customers.
Last Edit: 13 years, 3 months ago by .
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Re: New Customer, Paid Subscription, Problems. 13 years, 3 months ago #25035

Yes Black will be fine for the description box.

I have emailed you details please let me know when you will be able to take a look as I need to update my client.

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Re: New Customer, Paid Subscription, Problems. 13 years, 3 months ago #25040

  • jaku

the problem was really simple - you have specified bookable time from 08:00 to 06:00;
obviously you have meant a.m. and p.m.; however, we work with 24h mode, so it should have been 08:00 to 18:00.

That is why it was not working, as the "bookable period" was in fact -2hrs.
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Re: New Customer, Paid Subscription, Problems. 13 years, 3 months ago #25048

Hi Jan,

Thanks for pointing this out. But although it now shows the calendar times it still does not allow me to click and select a check in and check out time? I had this problem when I tried to use a monthly calendar as well?


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