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Profile for rand486

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  • Posts: 11
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I'm afraid not. The responses here were largely just repeated over and over, when many of them clearly had not read the thread all the way through.

I did (on my own) manage to get the SEF urls down to one per page, but they insist on generating at the highest number, so instead of:

It says:

Going into PHPmyadmin and emptying the jos_redirection table on your own (not using JoomSEF's backend to purge) helped temporarily. My site is back up to 86 000+ pages already though, in the month since I've done it (we only have about 600 articles, so explain that).

Anyway, I've been working on upgrading to Joomla 1.6, and do not plan to reinstall JoomSEF. I'll be going to sh404sef.

Best of luck to you. My experiences (as well as my co-worker's) has lead us to leave Artio products well enough alone, unfortunately.
JoomSEF creating mul ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
The advice I've been getting has been going in circles.

I've looked directly at the database now, and found that when JoomSEF purges the SEF URLs, it hasn't been purging all of them. There were over 145,000 records in jos_redirection!

I emptied the table myself, and all the SEF urls are back to normal, BUT it occasionally will create a programs-and-services-2.html or something like that. Why is JoomSEF generating these?

Looking into the jos_redirection table again, something is setting a value to the dateadd field to the original url, and then JoomSEF recreates the link as -2.html, -3.html, and so on. Not only does it recreate the link as a duplicate, but it also won't purge the old link (because of the dateadd value).

Why is JoomSEF assigning dateadd values to certain urls (and later assigning duplicates)????
JoomSEF creating mul ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
The problem is not with the search Component. If you read back, you'll see that I gave MANY examples, of a wide array of pages. However, I was asked to give a list of examples of the same page with multiple SEF URLs.

This happens across the entire site, not just for search.

The problem is clear: The same pages are getting multiple SEF Urls because of additional (optional) arguments after the fact.

I've seen one other forum thread where the user solved the problem themselves by editing the core, but that's a ridiculous expectation on the users.
JoomSEF creating mul ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
en/search-11.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=30&limitstart=150&Itemid=99999999
en/search-12.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=30&limitstart=30&Itemid=99999999
en/search-494.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=30&limitstart=90&Itemid=99999999
en/search-5.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=30&limitstart=0&Itemid=99999999
en/search-51.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=30&limitstart=60&Itemid=99999999
en/search-548.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=30&limitstart=120&Itemid=99999999
en/search-649.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=50&limitstart=50&Itemid=99999999
en/search-654.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=50&limitstart=0&Itemid=99999999
en/search-668.html index.php?option=com_search&lang=en&limit=50&limitstart=100&Itemid=99999999
JoomSEF creating mul ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I haven't even been able to FIND Jfrouter. Is this part of Joomla, Joomfish, or JoomSEF? I haven't been able to see it in any of the three. When I google it, I only see Joomla 1.5 examples that have it. We are running Joomla 1.0.
JoomSEF creating mul ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
en/4.html index.php?option=com_frontpage&lang=en&Itemid=1
en/accessibility.html index.php?option=com_content&id=41&lang=en&task=view&Itemid=55
en/accessibility/4.html index.php?option=com_content&id=14&lang=en&task=blogcategoryItemid=26

en/speech-language-pathology/english-for-new-canadians-11.html index.php?option=com_content&id=141&lang=en&task=view&Itemid=130

english/speech-language-pathology/english-for-new-canadians-12.html index.php?option=com_content&id=141&lang=english&task=view&Itemid=126

fr/speech-language-pathology/english-for-new-canadians-8.html index.php?option=com_content&id=141&lang=fr&task=view&Itemid=130

french/speech-language-pathology/english-for-new-canadians-11.html index.php?option=com_content&id=141&lang=french&task=view&Itemid=126
JoomSEF creating mul ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Exclude source info (Itemid) No
Reappend source (Itemid) No
Ignore multiple sources (Itemids) Yes

We purged all SEF Urls.

All of this was done before I even posted this, and still we get duplicates.

The documentation only refers to "Exclude source info", and I've already done that. I found another thread where they had to edit the core to fix this component, which is simply not acceptable for me. I don't see why core edits are necessary when the component itself could just ignore the offending part of the duplicate urls.
JoomSEF creating mul ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Order number is 1495 (not placed with this account, the other web developer for our company placed the order, I believe under username "rchamberland")

Joomla version 1.0.15, JoomSEF v2.2.6

Our site seems to be having issues with the JoomSEF component. JoomSEF seems to be creating multiple SEF URL's for each page. It is very common for us to see url's like 2.html (for the home page) or /individual-giving-16.html

Clearly, there is no practical reason to have 16 (!) SEF Urls for the "individual-giving" page.

Why is JoomSEF creating so many versions of the pages?
JoomSEF creating mul ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Nevermind. We got it.

It's at least partially due to an incomplete clone of the site. Something didn't make it in the transfer from the live server to the test server.
Backend doesn't disp ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Unfortunately, it just redirects to the login page. Once I re-login, it goes back to index2.php, which is the home of the control panel.

I should clarify that this does not happen on our live server. Our live server is essentially a clone of the test server (or vice versa).

EDIT: This message should have appeared above my next one (saying Nevermind, explaining the resolution). Not sure what happened with the quick reply...
Backend doesn't disp ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Order number is 1495 (not placed with this account, the other web developer for our company placed the order, I believe under username "rchamberland")

Joomla version 1.0.15, JoomSEF v2.2.6

For some reason, on our test server (not our live server), the JoomSEF backend appears as attached. How do we get it to appear as normal?
Backend doesn't disp ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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