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When I clicked on Update URLs I run into this:

Fatal error: Class 'SefExt_com_sef' not found in /home/***/public_html/***/components/com_sef/joomsef.php on line 271

Is there something I'm missing?

Update URLs
Category: JoomSEF 3
I'm trying to migrate a site over and have no issues paying for version to upgrade if it will transfer over all of my current SEF links. Will this be possible with the latest 3.0 version?
Upgrading from JoomS ...
Category: Extensions
Does anyone have any more information they can provide on this by chance?

I'm trying to run a test site on local host and it's something in my .htaccess that is screwing it up I believe.

I've gone into httpd.conf and changed the AllowOverrides to all.

But when I go to localhost now, it tries to download a page called localhost that is a php file. When I get rid of the htaccess and just do a hello.php test the page displays fine, but Joomla craps out with an error on JoomSEF passing header data.

I'm stuck as what else to try to change in htaccess or httpd conf
JOOMsef with Joomla ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
do a custom SEF:

Real URL: index.php?option=com_frontpage

SEF URL: empty

Make site title: Whatever name you want

If you make it empty, I believe it should just display Site name. Just make sure you do a space or something. On my site I purposely renamed the Title differently. But I don't have Site Title on the rest of the pages, all they show is page name
how can I remove Hom ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

Hint: To define title and/or meta tags for your homepage (that has not really an URL generated by SEF, but composes just from your site base URL), create a new entry in the URL list where the SEF URL will stay blank and the original URL will say just index.php.
how can I remove Hom ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Nope I'm talking about same thing, and here's docs
how can I remove Hom ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
It's in the docs if you look for it

Offhand you want to make a custom url to and then give it the name you want or remove the name that way.
how can I remove Hom ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
It appears for any components that I choose to have JoomSEF skip my title goes Site Title - Site Title but for the ones I had JoomSEF do default it picks it up ok. Is there someway I can get the skipped ones to still show the proper Title? Along with that I turned off having the trailing title but it still shows up on those skipped components which makes me think it's a JoomSEF issue

Any help would be appreciated
Title not picked up ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hey I was just wondering if anyone's made progress on integrating the two components?

I have URL rewrites turned off for GroupJive but it still looks like JoomSEF is doing some basic rewrites like changing / to & and the , to =

Was hoping someone's found a way around it to make the two play nice together even if JoomSEF has to be turned off for the component
JoomSEF and GroupJiv ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hey Douglas,

I used it last night, and can say it worked without a hitch. But I also only transferred less than 20 total urls. The rest I wanted to drop as I was having SEF issues on the site.

But it worked perfectly.

Opensef to Artio Ope ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
machadoug wrote:

It will copy all published and valid OpenSEF URLs that are listed on and will also copy 1 link for each component as listed in yourSite/administrator/index2.php?option=com_sef&act=config in the components tab.

I didn't understand what you meant by:
I only want the straight joomla SEFs copied over.

Do you mean the Joomla content URLs?

Best regards,

Douglas Machado


Sorry I wasn't too clear. What I meant is for any extra components that I've installed with Joomla I'm not worried about their URL copying over. So I was unclear if you said it does copy 3rd party components URLs from OpenSEF.

Opensef to Artio Ope ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hey I'm looking forward to trying this tonight, but just to make sure: So it won't copy my Component links, or is it hit or miss? I'm just trying to clarify. This isn't a problem for me since I only want the straight joomla SEFs copied over.
Opensef to Artio Ope ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thanks Douglas, that will be tremendously helpful. That's all that's keeping me from switching over now.
Opensef to Artio Ope ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hey I'm also very interested in any hints or scripts that can migrate from OpenSEF to JoomSEF as I'm looking to do this relatively soon.

Opensef to Artio Ope ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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