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Profile for jarikbiz

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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No the problem is still the same. If you goes for example to the menu ''knaagdier'' and then ''binnenkooien'' you can see in the sef url: ..hond/binnenkooien which isn't correct because this must be knaagdier/binnenkooien.

I have made the problem less worse by making a override cat id. So if you click on a product you see the red marker of the active menu goes to the home page. This category is the override category. But this isn't the final solution because the sef urls aren't work fine yet.

Joomsef URL problems ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Dear all,

I had quite the same problem but of course this solution doesn't fit for my problem. I have made a virtuemart component on my website www huisdierwebwinkel nl with on each menu item categories of virtuemart so if we set the itemid handler on override i must select just one of the menu categories for all my links. That doesn't make it better because i want to get by "hond" the menu name "hond" and by "kat" menu name "kat" etc. not just one and the same menu name.

Thereby you can see that's it doens't matter which category i should select always the "home" menu is selected.

Please can anyone help me? Because if i put a subdomain option doesn't work eather by this problem.

Joomsef URL problems ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I had tried a couple of hours but i cannot fix my problem.

www. hu is dier web wink el .nl has a JOOMSEF extension. If i want to make for example a new product in the catogory ''kat'' Joomsef made the sef url with the category ''hond'' . If i made this product in a other catogory the same problem exist. The catogory ''kat'' doesn't linked to ''hond'' in my virtuemart. How can i solve this problem exept making all sef urls manually?

I have written the site domain with spaces because i do not want to index this message in google.

wrong category sef u ...
Category: Extensions
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