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Profile for jakeknight

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 00:47
  • Posts: 5
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We are using Rackspace Cloud Sites and wish to purchase the server version of ARTIO. We've already purchased it for a few sites and now want to apply it server wide.

The problem is, there is not a static IP used for the sites. Is there any way I can effectively implement the server version?

Registering the Serv ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I need to install the JEvents plugin for the site, which Artio says is a Paid Extension.

On your site, however, it says it's free. I downloaded it and manually copied the files to the extensions folder within the component. As I kinda expected, nothing happened.

I can't find the commercial version of the plugin at all. I saw one forum reference a free and a paid version of the plugin though I cannot find where to purchase a download ID for it, or the proper way to enable the free one.

Thanks in advance.
Jevents Plugin - Can ...
Category: Extensions
Thanks, I should have known that. It's been a while since I've installed your product.
Paypal purchase not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thanks! I've entered my download ID into the configuration but it isn't enabling the paid features or removing the URL.

The site is on my testing server, which I registered with the purchase. Is this related to your service issues or will it become enabled when the site goes live?

Thanks again.
Paypal purchase not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I'm trying to buy another license for your product. The paypal has confirmed but the site isn't updating.

I haven't had this problem in the past.

Please advise,

Paypal purchase not ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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