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Profile for henry_fr

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thank you hardik.
I correct my previous job, I work with joomla 2.5.
My error is exactly the same as cljones, attached: a screenshot describe the situation (in French),

that is to say, at the moment unzip the zip file in question and extract all the documents content, it shows me "copy failed".
So I did what you said earlier: I commented out line 168 of file :
C: \ wamp \ www \ joomla 2.5 \ administrator \ components \ com_joomdoc \ libraries \ joomdoc \ filesystem \ filesystem.php
the function call JoomDOCString :: safe ($ NewFolder) which sets the variable $ NewFolder

This modification does not change the problem ....
After several tries, I noticed that even the demo site of JoomDoc ( has the same problem.

So, either you find a solution and I will be very grateful
I was going on a extention joomla equivalent

thank you
copy failed extracti ...
Category: Customer Support
I'm on Joomla 3.0 and
I have the same problem,

I tryed hardik advice, I commented out function called line 169.
But this is did'nt resolve my bug.

If someone can help me soon, I will be happy

thank you in advance
copy failed extracti ...
Category: Customer Support
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