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Profile for dhefley

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 07:58
  • Posts: 6
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Rex - there are 2 zipped files in these postings. The first is a plugin that adds a "button" to the bottom of your editor window. Pushing this button calls the component in the second zip (which is why the 404 was happening - it wasn't installed).

Once you have the component installed, you should get a list of all your files in the DocMAN 2 component and it should create a link to them. That being said, it would be very easy to edit the file mentioned in the last post to basically create a link to whatever you wanted - you have to understand joomla a bit and know some SQL, but other than that, it can be used as a "template" for other buttons...

However, if you need just a DocMan 2 link ,then this should be ok for any editor. - don't forget to publish the plugin tho...

The reason I did it this way is b/c I need a quick n dirty hack and trying to figure out how to get a JCE button seemed like way more work...
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
Doh! I'm an idiot and it has been a while since I've messed with this! Install this component

Attachment not found

- it creates the content for the popup window...

If you edit administrator/components/com_linkdoc/views/process/tmpl/default.php you can really make the popup show anything you want...
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
It is for DocMan 2 - let me look through the code and make sure I didn't hard code anything - when do you get the 404?
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
Here is a zip file. This is a quick hack for this need, but the nice thing is it is a simple button so can be modified for other buttons as well...

I've only ever used it on our internal test server, so any feed back on if it even works for you would be great...

Finally, I eventually hope to convert it to use AJAX to filter the documents using drop should be able to edit the php file to display things the way you want...

Attachment not found

Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
I have modified a button plugin so you can link directly to a docman_2 document in article/description and it inserts the link for you...I'm not going to take the time to prepare it for "the public" if no one is interested...just let me know.
Button Plugin
Category: JoomDOC
Firstly, THANK YOU for porting this to 1.5!

I am having what I would consider a major issue! When I click on a link to view the documents in a category, my session gets logged in as the admin user. If I am logged in as a different user, it switches it to the admin user (very strange behavior)

If it helps, this is the generated link copied from a menu item:
User Logged In Issue
Category: JoomDOC
User Login Empty