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Profile for adsoma

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:38
  • Posts: 18
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Hi, I migrated my website, and after migration some menus/url appear numbers....
should be:

The same is happening in others menus

What should I do to fix this?

after migration, num ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
dajo wrote:

Please open the Manage Extensions page in JoomSEF and post what the Active Handler for you contact component is.
Do you have Parse Joomla SEO links option enabled in JoomSEF's Configuration on the Advanced tab?
Is there a contactenos.html SEF URL created in JoomSEF's URLs Manager?

Is working Now!!

Parse Joomla SEO links option, I changed to "yes" and VOILA!

Thanks Dajo!
JoomSEF, giving 404 ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

I tried to send a PM with credentials, but I couldn't find the option
JoomSEF, giving 404 ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
adsoma wrote:
dajo wrote:

That's a different problem than originally discussed. Please start a new topic and I'll try to help you there.

Thank you I did already:

I sent a PM with credentials just in case


I tried to send a PM with credentials, but I couldn't find the option
Fox Contact Form 2.5 ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
dajo wrote:

That's a different problem than originally discussed. Please start a new topic and I'll try to help you there.

Thank you I did already:

I sent a PM with credentials just in case
Fox Contact Form 2.5 ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have a problema with the "contact us" form:

I tried several solutions here posted, but nothing is working,

Could you take a look?


DAJO: I sent a PM with credential, just in case! thanks!
JoomSEF, giving 404 ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
dajo wrote:

I'm sorry but I couldn't check the problem as the link you posted displays a 404 page.

Hi dajo,
That is exactly the problem, with JooomSEF Disable Works perfect!.

I don´t know how to fix that.
Fox Contact Form 2.5 ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have the same problem here:

I tried several solutions here posted, but nothing is working,

Could you take a look?

Fox Contact Form 2.5 ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
adsoma wrote:
Hi dajo

I did your suggestion, let see what happen.

I having this problem too (see attachement)

My site is receiving only 33% of the "normal" visits, I know that there are many factors, but I am trying to fix it.

Thanks dajo pot your support (btw, I was reading regarding support services, and is confused for me)


Uploaded with

How to fix that?

Google Webmaster Tools says:

"Duplicate title tags

Your title provides users and search engines with useful information about your site. Text contained in title tags can appear in search results pages, and relevant, descriptive text is more likely to be clicked on. We recommend reviewing the list and updating the title tags wherever possible."
How to fix this char ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
dajo wrote:
As regards the two URLs you posted, you can configure how to handle the layout variable in Content extension parameters.

Ok, but how?, for you is easy, you are the developer.
Could you explain to me how to do it?

How to fix this char ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
dajo wrote:
As regards the two URLs you posted, you can configure how to handle the layout variable in Content extension parameters.

If you purchase our support time, we can check your problems directly on your webserver instead of just guiding you through our forum. But if the reported URLs are not generated in JoomSEF's URLs Manager, I'm not sure if we will be able to find their source. It looks like they're generated by default Joomla router, so there's not much we could do about them in JoomSEF.
If they really display the same content, maybe the simplest solution would be to create a rule in your .htaccess file to redirect any URLs ending with /Page-xx.html to the same URL without it.

So if you agree, please purchase 1 hour of our support time at and contact me at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. with your order number and access credentials to your website's administration area and FTP and if possible also to your Google Webmaster Tools account. I'll try to find out the source of those URLs or at least create a redirection rule for them.

I was very happy with the component in the beginning, but no more, sorry, that why, I didn´t leave feedback in Joomla Extension, until SEE if really works.

Unfortunatelly, I don´t agree in pay 1 hour of support, because could be that next month maybe I will have another problem, and I will need to pay again, then again, then end.

dajo, this is no business for me, there are other components that offer support only buying the component licence.

Thanks anyways
How to fix this char ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
dajo wrote:
So the problem is many URLs with different /Page-xx suffix?
Please post the Real non-SEF URLs for them, you can find them in JoomSEF's URLs Manager. Thank you.

Hi dajo,

Sorry. but the problem is getting worse, I don´t know what to do.

Real Url--index.php?option=com_content&id=41&view=category&Itemid=300024
Real Url--index.php?option=com_content&id=41&layout=blog&view=category&Itemid=300024

Yesterday I saw 953 duplicate url, now Google webmaster tools is showing 1011!!
You know what that mean....less visitors

I am attaching an image, dajo, please be honest and clear, do I need to pay support to fix that? I asked before, I was cheking in your website and I was confused about it.

See the attachement "JoomSEF URL Manager"
How to fix this char ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Thank you dajo for your answer
I cannot find the Real non-SEF URLs, nothing is there.

More problems
I don´t know what is going on, but now I have many problems.​tic​ias​/te​cno​log​ía/​vul​ner​abi​lid​ad-​de-​exc​han​ge-​per​mit​e-i​nte​rve​nir​-un​-se​rvi​dor​-en​via​ndo​-un​-e-​mai​l.h​tml​tic​ias​/te​cno​log​ia/​vul​ner​abi​lid​ad-​de-​exc​han​ge-​per​mit​e-i​nte​rve​nir​-un​-se​rvi​dor​-en​via​ndo​-un​-e-​mai​l.h​tml
The url is showing i and í even I have the replacement in "Non-ASCII char replacements"

and More problems:
Google is taking this like duplicate tags:


I was very happy with the component, but with this problems I only have 30% of my visitor.

Thanks for helping me
How to fix this char ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi dajo

I did your suggestion, let see what happen.

I having this problem too (see attachement)

My site is receiving only 33% of the "normal" visits, I know that there are many factors, but I am trying to fix it.

Thanks dajo pot your support (btw, I was reading regarding support services, and is confused for me)


Uploaded with
How to fix this char ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I having a problem and I am attached an image to describe the problem.

In my website some titles includes this 2 character ‘’ , I can do this ‘|‘ ’|’ in n-ASCII char replacements option, but I am not sure if is GOOD FOR SEO! I don´t think so.


SHOULD BE (I think)

Please check the image attached, I really appreciate your help

Best regards
How to fix this char ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi dajo ,

I really appreciate your answer, and you are right, yesterday another user on the server was found to be causing CPU issues. After that, everything back to normal.

Thanks a lot dajo,

By the way the component is great! I am using the component in 2 websites and I thinking installing in a few more websites!
JoomSEF Error - Coul ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi I having the next problem:

JoomSEF Error - Could not save the SEF URL to database: MySQL server has gone away SQL=INSERT INTO `j25_sefurls` (`sefurl`, `origurl`, `priority`, `Itemid`, `metadesc`, `metakey`, `trace`, `sm_indexed`, `sm_date`, `sm_frequency`, `sm_priority`,`locked`,`host`) VALUES ('content.html', 'index.php?option=com_content&catid=19&id=4715&view=article', '15', '51', '', '', NULL, '1', '2012-06-27', 'weekly', '0.5',0,'')

I checked already the table:

Your SQL query has been executed successfully
CHECK TABLE `j25_sefurls`
admintud_ntude.j25_sefurls check status OK


Thanks in advance
JoomSEF Error - Coul ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi I just installed the JoomSEF and is working great!

But, in the main menu the url is "" I mean, the joomSEF is showing the category and the "Menu Item Type" that is blog.

If you go to any article is:

How to remove the BLOG part in the main menu?

I really appreciate your help!

Best regards
Main menu issue
Category: JoomSEF 4
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