Copyright © 2014 ARTIO International Co.
User documentation for ARTIO Booking & Reservations (Book-it!) component for CMS Joomla!. This document describes the component requirements, installation and usage. All main component parts are described in more details, including illustration images and examples. It specifies server and browser requirements and information about environment constraints. The documentation is helpful for both web developers and website administrators / owners.
You can also download Booking documentation as pdf.
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Installation
- 3. Administration (backend)
- 3.1. Control Panel
- 3.2. Templates
- 3.3. Bookable Items
- 3.4. Reservation Types
- 3.5. Prices
- 3.6. Reservation Types - Extended Settings
- 3.7. Google Calendar
- 3.8. Closing Days
- 3.9. Google Maps
- 3.10. Supplements
- 3.11. Booking Administrators
- 3.12. Reservation
- 3.13. Payment Methods
- 3.14. Global Configuration
- 3.15. Sending E-mails and SMS
- 4. Usage (frontend)
- 5. Troubleshooting
List of Figures
- 2.1. Extension Manager: Install
- 3.1. Control Panel
- 3.2. Template List
- 3.3. Booking Calendars
- 3.4. Template Edit Page
- 3.5. Dialog to Select Property Type
- 3.6. Dialog to Edit Template Property
- 3.7. The objects backend filtered list
- 3.8. The items backend editing page
- 3.9. Example of setting Quantity and Occupancy
- 3.10. Example of Show Quantity Information (frontend)
- 3.11. Example of setting Maximum Reservation Limit
- 3.12. Example of Hotel Room Reservation (backend)
- 3.13. Example of Hotel Room Reservation (frontend)
- 3.14. Example of booking of room for whole week (backend)
- 3.15. Example of booking of room for whole week (frontend)
- 3.16. Example of Squash Court Prices (backend)
- 3.17. Example of Squash Court Prices (frontend)
- 3.18. Example of setting deposit
- 3.19. Example of setting "Show prices without tax" (backend - configuration)
- 3.20. Example of setting "Show Prices with Tax" (frontend)
- 3.21. Example of setting "Show Prices without Tax" (frontend)
- 3.22. Example of two reservation types with different lengths (backend object reservation types)
- 3.23. Example of two reservation types with different lengths (backend object prices)
- 3.24. Example of two reservation types with different lengths (frontend)
- 3.25. Example of Fixed Schedule (backend object reservation types)
- 3.26. Example of Fixed Schedule (backend object prices)
- 3.27. Example of Fixed Schedule (frontend)
- 3.28. Example of setting Overlay Prices (backend)
- 3.29. Example of setting Overlay Prices (backend)
- 3.30. Example of Overlay Prices (frontend)
- 3.31. Create new google calendar
- 3.32. Create new project
- 3.33. Calendar API
- 3.34. Register APP
- 3.35. Entering Client ID and Client Secret
- 3.36. Default Google Calender
- 3.37. Closing Days List
- 3.38. Example of setting closing days for Squash Court (backend)
- 3.39. Example of setting Google Maps (backend)
- 3.40. Example of room supplements (backend)
- 3.41. Example of squash courts supplements (backend)
- 3.42. Example of squash courts supplements (frontend)
- 3.43. Backend booking administrators setting
- 3.44. Reservations backend list.
- 3.45. Reservations Status.
- 3.46. Payment Methods List - Plug in Manager
- 3.47. Payment Methods Manager
- 3.48. Edit Payment Methods
- 3.49. Show customers of reservations
- 3.50. The captcha for unregistered users.
- 3.51. First week day is sunday
- 3.52. Display quick navigator
- 3.53. Filter over the objects list from fltered template properties
- 3.54. SMS/Email Templates
- 3.55. Edit Email and SMS Template
- 3.56. Edit Email/SMS Notification
- 4.1. The page visitor isn't logged. Component offers him login or registering.
- 4.2. The page visitor is logged. Component offers him to become customer.
- 4.3. Customer registration page. With customer account is also created new Joomla! user account.
- 4.4. Become customer page. To existing Joomla! user account is created customer account.
- 4.5. Config registration/reservation fields page.
- 4.6. The customers backend list
Table of Contents
Booking and Reservations (Book-it!) is an universal Joomla! component for online reservations. No matter what kind of service you are running or what you want to book. You can create any object with any number of parameters and manage its reservations schedule and prices. All using user-friendly environment of the Joomla backend. Objects can be organized into hierarchy, so you can even manage multiple facilities consisting of many bookable units. E.g. you can manage several hotels with multiple rooms, multiple bowling, squash or other sport facility centers with several grounds. The system also offers object capacities, variable-lenght reservations, combination of different reservations, bookable extras and many more.
There are two versions of booking component: Book it!, Book it! 2
The component is compatible and has been tested with:
Book it! is compatible with Joomla 1.5, Book it! 2 is compatible with Joomla 2.5.6+ and 3.x
webserver (Apache2 or IIS) running PHP 5.1 or newer
MySQL 5.0 or newer
Please note: Proper functionality may not be guaranteed with PHP 4. The component does not work with Joomla! 1.0.
If your Joomla! includes custom core patches or 3rd party extensions modifying the default Joomla functionality, proper functionality may not be guaranteed as well.
Book-it! uses Mootools JavaScript framework. With Joomla! 1.5, Mootools 1.12 is required; with Joomla! 2.5.6 and newer Mootools 1.3 is required. When using different versions of Mootools framework, proper functionality may not be guaranteed. Booking 1.3 automatically update MooTools to 1.2 with Joomla 1.5.
Please note, that you can not use JQuery and Mootools JavaScript frameworks at the same time without special adjustment. There may exist a conflict between these frameworks that needs to be resolved. JQuery should run in non-conflict mode.
Joomla 3.x contains two JavaScript frameworks: Mootools and jQuery in non-conflict mode. Some new features in Book it! 2.1.0+ can need also jQuery for right functionality. But there can be still problem with 3rd party extensions which do not use Joomla functions, but loads own jQuery script. You can try to use JQuery Easy plugin for Joomla 2.5 and 3.0, which should solve problems with conflict and also with duplicity of JavaScript frameworks.
Also note, the JavaScripts as well as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are usually cached by web browsers. When developing the component make sure to clean browser cache as it may keep outdated versions of JS and CSS files. In most browsers you can use CTRL+F5 shortcut to force the full reload.
Table of Contents
Before installing ARTIO Booking, you need to have:
Joomla 1.5.x or 2.5.6+ or 3.x installed
Make sure that all the needed directories (as requested by Joomla!) are writable.
The component is installed through Joomla standard installer in backend:
→ (Joomla 1.5) or → (Joomla 2.5.6+ and Joomla 3.x)The installation package contains all needed support libraries, so the size of installation pack is about 2 MB or more. Some hostings maybe have the size of uploaded files limited, In such case it may be necessary to increase this limit or upload the files using FTP.
Please, watch for any error messages generated during installation. If any error appears, the installation might not have been completed correctly.
Please note that after uninstall, component database is not deleted. So, if you install sample data again, they are duplicated. If you want really clean reinstall, delete all database tables starting with (JoomlaPrefix)_booking_.
Table of Contents
- 3.1. Control Panel
- 3.2. Templates
- 3.3. Bookable Items
- 3.4. Reservation Types
- 3.5. Prices
- 3.6. Reservation Types - Extended Settings
- 3.7. Google Calendar
- 3.8. Closing Days
- 3.9. Google Maps
- 3.10. Supplements
- 3.11. Booking Administrators
- 3.12. Reservation
- 3.13. Payment Methods
- 3.14. Global Configuration
- 3.15. Sending E-mails and SMS
All component parts are fully accessible from Joomla backend. Control panel is interface where you can open all main component parts. Every main part is described in detail in following sections.
The basic template in which you set the attributes, depending on what object you will create. That can be basic attributes such as name, but also properties that are characteristic for certain type of object (field size, number of beds, bathroom, car specification, ...) The types of properties are standard, as you know it from web forms (Text box, Text area, Select box, Radio button and Check box). In addition to the name and the type you can still assign a style icon to the property and choose, if it can be used for searching and filtering. The last thing you can set to the template is, what kinds of calendars to be displayed to customer and which one is the default.
Templates settings is available in component administration on bookmark templates.
For templates are available basic tools new/edit/copy/trash. This tools are available in main toolbar. On clicking new/edit or click on template name you open editing page. On template editing page you set template name, calendars and properties.
The calendar is a dialogue, through which your customers will determine the time of reservation. There are three basic types, which differ both displayable time interval, as well as graphical form. Day calendar lists possible reservation times for every day separately, and as all calendars shows occupied terms. Week calendar´s appearance and functionality is very similar to the previous. Shows all days from today (or from first day of the week - check
→ → ) until the end of the week. The last, month calendar shows all days of the month after a weeks. In contrast to previous two calendars, shows only full day reservations, no hourly. For every calendar you set if it is available or not. One of them you have to set as default. Default calendar is displayed when customer opens object page for the first time. Calendars are choosed according to object character. If you create objects as hotel room or car which are booked for full days you need only month calendar. For objects as tennis court or sport hall which are booked for hours you use day or week calendar. There are also another types of calendar: Week Multi Calendar which display available reservations in specific week. It is useful for hourly and daily reservation type and Periodic Calendar that can be used when you want to reserve an object regularly for the certain time in certain day of the week.Properties are attributes that belong to the certain template. You can take advantage if you have several objects of the same type (for example: tennis courts). This objects have the same attributes, but their values are different. For example, the hotel will have a number of rooms, in each you will specify the same attributes (number, floor, where is the view, number of beds,...). When you will then create the objects of individual rooms, you can use this template and fill in simply the necessary information. You can have as many templates as you want, so there is not problem to have other for a room and other for an apartment. For each to indicate other information.
You can set template properties by click on tool new (for new property) or click on tool config (for existing property). During creating new one you have to set property type.
Every property has title. If you use multiple properties, select box/radio button. You must set minimally two options. Every option must be on a single row. You can optionally choose an icon (you can set path to your own icons in:
→ → ) and searchable/filterable mark. Searchable properties will be possible to find via module. Filterable properties can be filtered in the component view.This is the subject of your business. Bookable item could be anything you want to allow your customers to book. Whether that are hotel rooms, cars, tennis courts etc. Items can form a tree structure, which you can adapt according to your wishes. Of course there is a gallery and descriptive text, which you can also enrich with pictures, graphs and other elements. There is a possibility to set the values of your properties, which you created in the template. Furthermore there are also reservation types and prices, which is main part of items settings. For more information, read information below.
Objects settings are available in component administration on bookable items.
Items tree structure is important if you want order items into categories according to their character. Parent items are not bookable. They are meant to creating objects categories. Bookable are only last childs of tree structure.
Figure 3.8. The items backend editing page
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The simple example details setting for hotel room
Booking of this room is available from 2013-10-08 (see option Start Publishing) to 2013-12-31 (option Finish Publishing). Room is permanent published (see option published) and is displayed to all page visitors (access is public). In items hiearchy is room added into category Accomodation.
Bookable items must have title. Alias is used for creating SEF urls. If you let alias field empty then alias is during item saving generated automatically. If itemt is published you should not change it because SEF url is already indexed by Google. Fields meta keywords and meta description are also used for SEO and you should fill them.
Every item has assigned one template. You are able to edit template from item editing page. All changes in template what you do by edit item are show in others items and template too. You can set for item standard Joomla! options as publish status and dates, user access and items ordering.
When the quantity is set and bigger than 1, customer can select booking capacity. There is also option to "Show Quantity Information" which display in calendar available capacity. You have also option to set the Occupancy, for example number of normal beds in the room.
You can upload images to the gallery and set which one will be default by selecting it and then click on icon "Default". Another part is File Attachements. You can upload and attach files to an object. That can be for example user manuals. You can specify to every file if it will be available in item detail and if it will be sent along with reservation e-mail to customer.
Now we come to the most important part. And this is very flexible reservation system through which everybody create a timetable which is required. Through Reservation Settings you choose the way how customer can book the certain item. The main parameter is type of reservation: daily or hourly. Daily means that the customer has to book the certain item at least for the full day, hourly then enables the shorter time intervals. The following two parameters apply to the hourly reservation types. It is time unit, alias time interval of reservation. It indicates that customer can book the items for example after 30 minutes. Gap time is a time lag between individual reservations for example used for cleaning. You can set limit restrictions: minimum and maximum length, fixed length and restrictions for week day from which can customer makes reservation.
You can set "Enable Maximum Reservation Limit" and to Allow Maximum of Reservation within determined time. It means that customer can make certain number of reservations within certain days.
The most important item settings is Prices. It is necessary part of any item and together with Reservation types it creates every schedule which has to be included in any reservation system. For definition you have to specify the following parameters. The actual price, deposit, which will be returned to the customer, reservation type, that we selected in the previous flag and dates from when to when is price valid. You can specify other parameters for hourly reservation type. Of course there are the times between which the item can be booked. The reservation units are calculated among this time, according to the time unit and the gap time. You can also modify in which days of the week is the price up to date. You can create a whole series of reservation units with different type of reservations. The choice of the date is enabled through the calendar dialogue and hour can be set on the dial for user-friendliness.
The Multiply capacity parameter is used if item has bigger capacity than one. It specifies, wheter multiply reservation price and deposit by reserved capacity. For example, if you reserve cars or rooms, setting should be checked (more -> more price). If you reserve something where price stays constant no matter of reserved capacity, setting should be unchecked.
You can also have an option to select interval only in one price by clicking on "Allow Booking Over Different Pricing Periods". In this case you can make a reservation over more prices but with same reservation type.
Below you can see an example of Squash Courts available every day from Monday to Sunday (Day Availability) from 07:00 am to 11:00 pm (Time Range) but the prices are different. From 07:00 am to 6:00 pm is price 5 EUR, from 6:00 am to 11 pm is 8 EUR.
You can also set a deposit that will be returned back to the customer. In this case is necessary to set Reservation Expiration. There are these following types: „Online Payment Only“, „After Reservation“ and „Before Booking“. If you set „Online Payment Only“ customer can pay only with online methods. If payment will not be done immediate after the reservation, reservation will be cancelled. „After reservation“ means that order has to be paid specified number of hours after reservation was created. If not, reservation will be cancelled. „Before Booking“ is same like previous type. But it will check reservation payment status before event start. Deposit multiply parameter specifies, wheter multiple deposit by reserved time units. If not checked, deposit is the same no matter of reserved time.
Here is an example how to set a deposit when customer have to pay it after reservation. Determined time is 2 hours, it means that customer has to pay it within 2 hours, if not then reservation will be cancelled. Deposit value is 10 EUR.
All prices include tax with default settings but you have also the option to change it that prices will not include a tax. This can be set in
→ → . In tab Prices is also possible to add "new tax" and its values.
You can also provide a discount, if customer reserve more than one time unit.
If you have more then one reservation types and each reservation type has different length, you can use optional minimum interval. With only one reservation type this option is not used.
In following example we have a squash court where customer can book 60 or 120 minutes. We need to display 60 minutes boxes in calendar. For this reason we have to set minimum interval length for 60 minutes. When customer wants 60 minutes, then chooses one box. When customer wants 120 minutes, in calendar are highlighted always two following boxes for one click. Now in weekly calendar, in colored price box are displayed currently available capacities. See examples below.
Figure 3.22. Example of two reservation types with different lengths (backend object reservation types)
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The fixed shedule you can use, for example, if you use more prices with different time ranges and in calendar every day has different shedule length. And you want every day calendar to have specified length, even if there is no available reservations through whole time. See examples bellow. You have to set minimal interval length and fixed shedule from-to properties. Fixed shedule interval from-to must be wide enough to match all prices time ranges.
The another situation can be when you are providing for example Castle Tour or Road. Every Tour takes 2 hours but starts every hour. In this case is necessary to set "Overlay Prices". As you can see below there is a Tour Castle which is possible to reserve every day from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM and starst every hour.
Synchronization your reservation with your Google Calendar. You have to have own Google account where you want to synchronize reservation.
Create google calendar in your google account, than go at and create the project by clicking on CREATE PROJECT. Enter Project name and Project ID.
Turn on Calendar API at the APIs & auth/APIs.
Create connection to Joomla by using REGISTE APP at the APIs & auth/Registered Apps
Choose any Name and create Web Application
Choose OAuth 2.0 Client ID
Redirect URL - enter name of your domain http://yourdomain/administrator"index.php?option=com_booking&task=google.authenticate
By clicking on GENERATE you receive Client ID and Client Secret
Go to Global Configuration - Google and enter Client ID and Client Secret - Save
Run Load Calendars on the Control Panel/Google - this function loads calendars created in your google account
Now you can choice Default Calendar in Global Configuration
To finish synchronization by using Control Panel - Google - Synchronize Events. The reservation will be synchronized into your google calendar.
Closing days enable you to set a days, hours when the item is not available for any reason. If you want to create closing days, you have to fill Title, Date up and Date down, Time up and Time down, then select the existing items for which you want to set closing day.
Below you can see Squash court Nr.1 which is not available on Wednesday from 11:00 am to 02:00 pm.
Google Maps allow you to give customers information about place where they can find you or bookable item. You can insert Google Map into the object detail page by two different ways. The first is when you select Address for Type option. Address should contain street, city and country. Then set a widht, height (in pixels) and zoom (higher value means higher zoom). The second way is to find a map at and then insert code from this page into the last field.
Supplements is next bookable item settings. For example: you run the hotel accomodation and customers can reserve beside room also breakfast, phone, internet or another services. Another example can be for squash courts where you can provide also rackets for players. See examples below.
Supplements have two forms. Supplement "Option yes/no" is realized on frontend by checkbox form field and have price (option "One price") or is free (option "Free"). Supplement "Select from list" has more values and is realized by drop down list form field. Each value has own price (option "More prices") or all values have one price (option "One price") or supplement is free (option "Free"). For supplement "Select from list" you can set property "Use empty option". It means that customer doesn't have to choose this supplement value (in drop down list is option without value). Property "Use empty option" is unavailable for supplement "Option yes/no". Supplements prices are automatically added to full reservation price.
Supplement capacity setting allows you to set behavior of supplement capacity. No capacity means supplement will be always one and price will be constant. Default is multiply by object capacity - number of supplements will be same as reserved object capacity (if object has capacity) and price will be multiplied as well. Option "Select Capacity Manually" allows customer to specify number of supplements manually and supplement price will be multiplied by selected number of supplements. You can set maximum number of supplements for this setting. This can be used for example for additional cathering or sporting equipement.
For using Booking is important to have frontend administrators. Frontend administrators manage reservations from frontend interface (not backend). Administrators are selected from existing Joomla! users. This users cannot be used in customers acounts. On following image is backend dialog of administrators setting. There is filtered list of existing users. In column "Is admin" you can see mark if user is/isn't administrator or is customer (cannot be administrator). You can assign more users as administrators by tools from main toolbar.
If you have published items, customers can book them and make reservations. One reservation can have multiple booked items (optionally with supplements), their time ranges, computed prices and customer personal data. Customers create reservations from frontend item detail page with calendar. According to item settings, calendars display available intervals with specific color. Customers choose available intervals and items supplements. After click on button Book it!, lightbox window is opened, where customer can select item and supplements capacity (if available) and choose between going to checkout or continue and reserve different object. On checkout page, customer can manage his reservation, fill his personal data and send reservation to Book it! system.
Reservations can have a following status: Prereserved, Reserved, Trashed, Cancelled and Conflicted. There is also Payment Status: Unpaid, Deposit Paid, Paid in Full.
Payment Methods List is available in "Extensions-Plug in Manager-bookingpayment". Here you can set if is it enabled to pay by a certain payment method. Then you have to go back to configuration "Payment Methods" and you can edit existing method and set who can pay pay it or no.
- General, User Group Assigned to New Customers
User group, where are assigned newly created customers. We recommend to use registered group.
- Customer has to Login or Register Before Reserving
If you select No customer is prompted to login or register during reservation. If guest user group can reserve then customer can reserve without login or registration.
- Enable to New Reservation
Temporary blocking of new customers registering
- Show customer names
Show customer ś name which already made reservation in reserved interval (only for front-end)
- Show User Note in Calendar
Show customer´s note (note during checkout) in calendar, if day/hour is booked.
- Use captcha
Only for unregistered customers. Before customer save reservation he has to fill captcha image. It's security to robots.
- Enable More Reservation
User can add more booked object during reservations. It is something like "cart".
- Confirm Reservation
If you set "Yes" manager has to confirm created reservation first.
- Redirection after Reservation
Target where customer is redirect after reservation has been done. Customer can be redirect to "Thank you page", "Bookable Items List" etc.
- Redirection after Reservation Menu
When you select in option Redirection after Reservation value Menu Item then select here some item.
- Redirection after Reservation URL
When you select in option Redirection after Reservation value Custom URL then add here some URL.
- Redirection back from Reservation
Target where customer i redirect when click on button back at reservation detail
- Enable Responsive
Responsive design is modified for mobile devices. It will also detect whether customer us tablet or mobile, otherwise it will show standard design.
- Enable jQuery
jQuery is necessary part of responsive design. If you already use jQuery on your site (loaded by any other extension) then please, do not enable this option.
- Require Accepting
You can set if customer has to accept Terms of Contract and Terms of Privacy before reservation.
- Date Format
Date formatting is used in frontend and backend. There is possible to use a predefined format or custom format. If you choice a custom format you can set: Long Date Format (containing date and time, it means date/month/year/hour/minutes), Standard Date Format (contains only date, day/month/year), Day/Week Calendar Format (this format is used in daily/weekly calendar as caption of day, should contain a short value of day and month without year), Month Calendar Format (format is used in monthly calendar as caption of day, should contain as in previous format). There is also possible to show "Time Format" which is used for displaying time, for example in daily or weekly calendar. Should contain only hours or minutes.
- Images, Popup Type
Select popup type you want to use on your website. If you use Responsive design, we recommend you to use shadowbox.
- Image Path
The directory path where are saved objects images. It's relative path from Joomla! root. For example: your Joomla! is installed in directory /var/www and you want to save images in directory /var/www/images/objects. You have to set this options as images/objects. Template icons path is path where are saved templates icons. The rules are similar like image path. There is also possible to set JPG quality of thumbnails. You can choice between 75 and 100. 75 is maximum compression but lowest quality and 100 is maximum quality but biggest file size. PNF quality is possible to set between 0 and 9, when 0 is without compression and 9 is maximum.
- Prices, Using Prices
Settings of using prices - Prices with Deposit, Prices without Deposit or without Prices.
- Currency
Your currency display with prices.
- Display Last Zero
You can display last zeros in prices. If you choice this option, the value will be displayed as 12.50.
- Decimals and decimals point
Here is possible to set number of decimal and separator for decimals (comma or point)
- Thousands Separator
Here you can select how will be thousands separated, the options are following: None, Space, Comma, Point or there is also possible to select Custom Separator.
- Price Format
Price can have different formats, you can select position of currency (in front of value or behind value) and if separates value and currency with space.
- Default Reservation Cancellation Time
Here you can set how long after reservation has to be deposit paid
- Show Prices without Tax and Tax Rates
You can choice if the price will displayed with or without tax and also add new tax rates.
- Show Total Price
Show row with total price in reservation summarty or reservation list.
- Show Payment Status
Show row with payment status in reservation summary or reservation list.
- Show Item Price
Show row with item price in reservation summary.
- Show Deposit Price
Show row with deposit price in reservation summary or reservation list.
- Show Price ex. Tax
Show row with price excluding tax in reservation summary.
- Show Tax
Show row with tax value in reservation summary.
- Calendars, Week Starts on
You can set first week day as Monday or Sunday.
- Enable reservation after x days
You can set if you want to enable to book object after x days, hours. Use format 1d, 2h, 50m to enable book after 1 day, 2 hours and 50 minutes. If it is set to 7d and today is 6.12., user will be able to book objects from 13.12.
- Show Quick Navigator
Calendar has quick navigator realized as drop down list with num months/weeks/days to future according to used calendar. This option is related to next options "Future months to show"/"Future weeks to show"/"Future days to show". For example if you set 5 months to future in quick navigator is offer quick jump to next five months after current month.
- Setting of color
'You can set color of field in calendar, which is reserved (reservation color), which can be booked (vacancy color), which is unavailable (unavailable color) and also Pricesbox Color for Reserverd Fields.
- Allow Current Day Booking
You can allow to book only current day, this is used for daily reservation type.
- Hide Days in which does not Begin Fixed Limit
If the daily booking type using fixed limit, which does not start on all days of the week so this option can hide these days.
- Label Style for Night Booking
Style of nights labels in monthly calendar if night booking is used (e.g. for hotel reservation). You can use Mon/Tue - they are both days which night cover or Mon - it is day when night starts.
- Google, Client ID
You need it for Gioogle Calendar synchronize. Setup project with service Calendar API at This item you find at API Access.
- Client secret
You need it for Gioogle Calendar synchronize. Setup project with service Calendar API at This item you find at API Access.
- Default Calendar
If calendar list is empty or out of date then go to control panel/google and click button load calendars
- Event Summary
Select item which you want to use as summary of Google Calendar Event. Summary is text in event box in calendar.
- Item List Defaults
- Show Flag is Featured
Show near of item title flag that item is featured
- Show Item Thumbnails
In objects list display thumbnails of objects main images if available. This option is related to next options Thumbnail width and Thumbnail height. You should set one or both of them. If you set only one then second is automatically computed. If you set both then thumbnail is realized as cutout.
- Show introtext
If object has introtext then is used in objects list. If set, defines length to what an introtext will be croped.
- Show filter
There are used template properties which are set as filterable.
- Pagination
It's standard pagination bottom filtered list. In option Default pagination is available setting of default listing value. If switched on, object list displays pagination with select limit box. If objects total is less then minimum limit box option, limit box is not displayed. If switched off, all objects are displayed on one page without pagination.
- Show Book it button
This button opened object detail page to make reservation.
- Show Month Calendar
Displays list of small monthly calendars for each object. Start month and number of list you can set in next field. Reserved days are showed in gray. It is quick information for customer which days are free. This is related to Month Calendar Style.
- First Shown Month Offset
Value to shift of first month in calendar from current. If there is 0, then first is current month. If there is 1, then first month is next month. For example: now is March and start is 3, then is first month.
- Number of Months Shown
Number of months in list from first. For example: now is March, calendar start is 2, months number is 3. In calendar will be May, June and July.
- Show Week Calendar
Weekly calendar for each object in the list. Engaged days are highlighted. You can also set number of days should be shown.
- Item Detail Defaults
- Multiple Reservations
You can allow to select more than one reservation in calendar.
- Show Cart in Popup
Popup window will display after clicking on book it button where customer selects go to checkout or save reservation and continue.
- Show Capacity
Show capacity selector near of book it button if total capacity is higher then 1.
- Show Primary Image
You can show object main image at detail page. If you can choice this option, you can also set Primary Image Width and Height. If it is not set, it will be computed automatically.
- Show Image Gallery
Display photo gallery with objects images. You can also choice the position of image gallery, how should photo gallery look, image and thumbnail width, height in pixels (if not, width and height will be computed automatically)
- Show Properties Style
Here is an option how to show object properties. You can show as Table, Icon List, Text List (this is defined in template parameters)
- Show Back Link
Display back link to parent object (if exists)
- Description Position
You can set Below Primary Image or Below Properties.
- Prices Layout
You can set a style of section with prices, deposit and discounts. The option is: Detailed List, Brief Legeng or there is also a choice to hid it.
- SMS/E-mail
There you can turn off or set sending emails for manager, customers or for both. Here you can set what email/SMS will be sent to a customer after reservation, which one will be sent to the manager after customer registration, what will be sent to a customer after reservation, what will be sent to the manager after customer reservation. You can also inform a customer after change reservation status. More information you can find in Chapter 14: Sending Emails/SMS.
- Customer Fields
Fields which customer has to fill during registration or objects reservation you can set here. You can disable (option hiden) or enable (option optional or required) fields. Is recomended to set customer e-mail as compulsory if using reservation e-mails. Customers accounts are accessible from component backend. Customer can be disabled by blocking his Joomla! user account. In backend you can edit or delete customers.
- Registration
ARTIO Download ID - Here you have to enter your ID received during purchase our product.
- Permission
Here is possible to manage the permission settings for the user groups. Please note, if you change the setting, it will apply to this and all child group, components and content.
Component can send e-mails and SMS to administrators and customers. Setting of sending e-mails and SMS is available in global configuration. There you can turn off this service or set if is available only for administrators, customers or for both. For sending e-mails and sms, component uses setting from Joomla! global configuration.
In component configuration you can set sender e-mail, telephone, sender name, subject for customer and administrator, format of e-mail (HTML or plain text) and e-mail and SMS body. Other settings as mailer (php mail/smtp/sendmail), username, password, security etc. are used from Joomla! global configuration. In e-mail body you use transcription marks which are replaced by reservation or registration data. There are data as customer name, reservation date, object name etc.. Special transcription mark is pair of marks {OBJECTS} and {/OBJECTS}, which defines part, which will be repeated for each reserved object. Available transcription marks you can see in component global configuration above the e-mail body field.
You can let your customer know about their order status change or send SMS messages on different events. Or send single or bulk messages to customers from your customer database. It is very important to set when the notification has to be send to customer.
Table of Contents
Customers are page visitors who can make reservation in Booking component. You can allow page visitors reservation without registration or with registration and Joomla! user account to login. If visitor hasn't Joomla! user account, component offers him to create new customer registration with new Joomla! user account. For logged users component offers to become customer.
Fields which customer has to fill during registration or objects reservation you can set in component global configuration (bookmark Registration/reservation fields). You can disable (option hide) or enable (option show) fields. Enabled fields can be compulsory or optional. Is recomended to set customer e-mail as compulsory if using reservation e-mails.
Customers accounts are accessible from component backend. Customer can be disabled by blocking his Joomla! user account. In backend you can edit or delete customers.
Figure 4.3. Customer registration page. With customer account is also created new Joomla! user account.
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