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Book-it! Changelog

Book-it! Changelog
lower than 1.3.0
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--- 2.4.10 --- [18.08.2023]

imp - PHP 8 compatibility
fix - saving payment method permissions

--- 2.4.9 --- [17.12.2021]

imp - PHP 8 compatibility

--- 2.4.8 --- [15.12.2020]

fix - security issue when guest user could access reservations made by other guest users

--- 2.4.7 --- [10.11.2020]

imp - removed old version of PayPal plugin
fix - issue with daylight saving time on closing days
fix - reservation status not being present in e-mails in some cases

--- 2.4.6 --- [29.07.2020]
imp - PHP 7 compatibility
fix - reservations not available with "Fixed Allowed From"
fix - displaying reservation limit error message with "Show Cart in Popup" option
fix - available item quantity with reservations in different time intervals
fix - occupancy selection issue
fix - error in Spanish language file
--- 2.4.5 --- [03.01.2018]
fix - item permissions
--- 2.4.4 --- [27.09.2017]
imp - Joomla 3.8 compatible
imp - Joomla 2.5 compatible
--- 2.4.3 --- [29.08.2017]
new - support direct translating by FaLang
imp - defining managers by usergroup permissions
fix - volume discounts
fix - periodic reservations
--- 2.4.2 --- [04.08.2017]
new - manual ordering of reservation types
fix - manage closing days on frontend
--- 2.4.1 --- [31.07.2017]
fix - design repair for week calendar with separated tables
fix - customer selector
fix - periodic layout
fix - item template properties
--- 2.4.0 --- [02.06.2017]
new - ComNpay payment
new - monthly reservation overview
imp - PHP-7.1 compatible
imp - Joomla 3.7 compatible
fix - direct booking
fix - fixed limit longer then week
fix - Google Maps
fix - PaypalPDT payment
fix - total price in reservation list
fix - total price of periodic reservation
fix - translation by FaLang
--- 2.3.9 --- [11.11.2016]
fix - Company/VAT ID in customer profile
fix - periodic reservations without popup cart
fix - periodic reservations total price
fix - monthly calendar
fix - show terms of contract/privacy
fix - occupancy without popup cart
fix - supplements layout with jQuery
fix - item list pagination
fix - Quickbook with past dates
--- 2.3.8 --- [18.03.2016]
new - quantity volume discount
new - item shipping
new - show pre-reservations
new - monthly multiple layout
new - booking since defined time
imp - hide empty week days
imp - cancel pre-reservation
imp - reservation status handling
imp - select buttons in checkout
imp - quantity limits & increment
fix - template properties
fix - terms of condition
fix - bread-crumbs
fix - duplicity in price layout
--- 2.3.7 --- [30.10.2015]
fix - back button from reservation detail
fix - navigation on weekly layout
fix - fatal error in quickbook layout
--- 2.3.6 --- [16.10.2015]
fix - numbering of weeks in monthly layout
fix - showing of parent items 
fix - limiting of booking before an event starts
--- 2.3.5 --- [30.09.2015]
new - Paypal PDT for mobile devices
new - use username as customer name
imp - quantity increment value and max/min limit
imp - make note printable in reservation management
imp - admin can make custom fields visible in reservation management
imp - new field for subject - Location
imp - disable tool-tips
imp - disable conflicts auto-detecting
fix - update Google Calendar API
fix - update PayU payment
fix - update iDeal payment
fix - redirecting after making reservation
fix - saving of custom fields
fix - reservation duplicity
fix - hide empty values of reservation
--- 2.3.4 --- [11.05.2015]
imp - script to handle Cron
fix - ordering of template properties
fix - selecting of uninterrupted interval
--- 2.3.3 --- [15.04.2015]
new - Joomla captcha
new - show cart content in cart module
imp - reservation confirming
imp - item list introtext
fix - reservation overview
fix - responsive layout
fix - pick-up, drop-off locations
fix - reservation expiration
fix - search plugin
--- 2.3.2 --- [06.03.2015]
new - more persons in reservation
imp - Joomla! 3.4 compatible
fix - quickbook
fix - reservation occupancy
fix - reservation list
fix - customers handling
fix - periodic reservations
--- 2.3.1 --- [20.10.2014]
new - show item calendar since page where a reservation is available
new - table list theme of price layout
new - change reservation item
new - reservations overview
new - XLS export of reservation list
new - reservation persons
new - manager voucher
new - customer chooses to pay deposit or whole price
imp - fixed limit multiply
imp - filter reservation list for exact date
imp - more data in CSV/XLS export
imp - extend closing days for closing hours
fix - empty last month of an year
fix - time slots ordering with hourly layout
fix - volume discount with fixed limit
fix - cciDEAL for new platform versions
fix - correct order status if paid only deposit
fix - core performance
fix - last item in item list overwrote parent item
--- 2.3.0 --- [01.08.2014]
new - show reservation detail in pop-up window
new - e-mail item managers when reservation sub-item is changed
new - select week-days to show weekly layout
new - option to hide customer custom message in reservation
new - hide days not corresponding to actual month
new - hide reservation cart items in calendar
new - comparison operator for item list filtering
new - pre-select a date from search result in monthly calendar
imp - select reservation time from - to in periodic layout
imp - show customer registration directly under login page
imp - disable unbookable days
imp - listing month calendar per one month, no per month group
imp - return back to the item page after login
imp - use GET redirect from an item list to an item detail instead of POST redirect
imp - synchronize periodic reservations into Google Calendar
fix - translate radio button custom field yes/no
fix - searching in periodic reservations
fix - searching in free reservations
fix - booking over more months
fix - deleting of reservation item
fix - Paypal redirecting
fix - Sofort payment
fix - show first day in the pop-up calendar according to localisation
fix - date up/down translated to date from/to
fix - manage closing day with single item
fix - print reservation as non-logged user
fix - catch errors of Google Calendar API
--- 2.2.9 --- [02.05.2014]
imp - compatibility with Joomla! 3.2.4 and Joomla! 3.3.0
fix - calendar pagination
--- 2.2.8 --- [28.04.2014]
new - slovenian localisation
new - agent provision
imp - date format in week and month select
imp - hide message "Global search is active ..."
fix - vacation filter
fix - periodic layout
fix - fixed from limit
fix - custom fields tags
--- 2.2.7 --- [04.04.2014]
new - print reservation list and detail
new - mandatory supplement
new - hide time in weekly layout
new - price extended legend
new - manager calendar
new - manage closing days on frontend
new - book parent with one subitem 
imp - e-mail customer when manager enters reservation
imp - permissions rules
fix - custom field removing
fix - night booking
fix - booking over different pricing periods
--- 2.2.6 --- [25.03.2014]
new - e-mail tags for customer name and address
imp - enable/disable pre-filling of reservation form
imp - show/hide occupancy column in reservation list
fix - Paypal redirecting
fix - invoices 404 error
--- 2.2.5 --- [14.03.2014]
new - AJAX refreshing of item detail page 
new - discount for user groups
new - flat style of item list
new - parent item can be bookable
new - CSV export of reservation list
new - show payment information text in e-mail 
new - assign item template with custom user field
new - new input types for customer user field
imp - admin reservation revision
imp - status for pending online payment
imp - send e-mail after manager accepts reservation
imp - reservation number in e-mail subject
imp - redirect to customer profile after user login
imp - show customer name as text
fix - show reservation detail after online payment
fix - image gallery editor
fix - date format in responsive design
fix - price selector in responsive design
fix - customer profile editing
fix - reservation expiration settings
fix - conflict with Bookinginvoices
--- 2.2.4 --- [20.12.2013] new - closing day color imp - avoid javascript frameworks conflict imp - custom date format imp - week layout style fix - admin customer reservation list fix - admin featured filter fix - admin photogallery editor fix - item list month calendars fix - responsive design fix - fixed hourly layout fix - admin reservation custom fields fix - responsive design (RD) fixed - RD always use old layout for week calendar fix - responsive design fixed for Beez2 default Joomla template fix - show locations in multi reservations mode fix - week layout navigation fix - change reservation status fix - day layout navigation fix - book multiple prices
--- 2.2.3 --- [06.12.2013] new - notify e-mails to supplier new - item title and customer name
suggest in reservation list new - custom address format new - early booking discount new - volume discount percentage imp - disable occupancy in default imp - show occupancy in frontend reservation list fix - timeframe with periodic layout fix - supplement quantity selector fix - disable past date in periodic layout fix - translate text item property value fix - show supplement quantity fix - item deposit multiply fix - customer tooltip in calendar fix - localisation in select template popup window fix - reservation status canceled when non customer books fix - lost selecting of price with calendar listing fix - error 1054 with bookable item edit
--- 2.2.2 --- [22.10.2013] new - supplement minimum quantity fix - tax rates picker with Joomla 3 fix - credit card payment plugin with Joomla 3 fix - SEF URL localisation
--- 2.2.1 --- [11.10.2013] imp - bookable item option show occupancy imp - periodic calendar configuration fix - set item image as default directly after upload fix - set minimum occupancy value as default for only occupancy type fix - item template properties administration fix - contact form inside reservation form fix - datetime parse error fix - memory leak with periodic layout fix - item quantity in periodic calendar fix - split reservation interval after sunday
--- 2.2.0 --- [13.09.2013] new - integration with Google Calendar new - SMS notifications new - payment methods Cash and Cheque new - hourly interval over one week new - extend hourly schedule for head and tail piece new - additional supplement (one-off) cost imp - closer week calendar layout imp - migrate global configuration into standard Joomla params imp - allow multiple use of {OBJECTS} in e-mail template imp - occupancy revision imp - night booking revision imp - pay deposit only or full price only with payment gateway imp - redirect to payment gateway automatically fix - single deposit in percent fix - PayU payment method update
--- 2.1.2 --- [02.08.2013] new - show customer message in reservation e-mail new - delete page cache after reservation fix - items module notices fix - problems in Joomla 3.1.4 fix - add bookable item price fix - edit order with front-end
--- 2.1.1 --- [25.07.2013] new - redirection after reservation has been done configurable new - redirection back from reservation detail configurable imp - filter & order reservation list by customer second name fix - disable installation overwrite fix - localization PHP INI valid fix - fix limit with multiple reservation fix - PHP notice in cart pop-up fix - mark {OBJECTS} in e-mail template using multiply fix - error in module booking items fix - price valid date shift in weekly calendar
--- 2.1.0 --- [18.07.2013] new - design cleanup and simplifying new - calendar listing using AJAX new - responsive design support new - added occupancy parameter for accommodation-type booking that can affect price new - new tags for email templates new - payment methods switched to plugins for easier handling new - configuration/price display options new - notification about status change to the manager as well (paid/pro only) new - notification about reservation cancellation by customer to the manager (paid/pro only) new - e-mail auto notifications (paid/pro only) new - hourly price over midnight e.g.: 10PM Friday - 4AM Saturday new - support "free" reservations (no payment or deposit required) new - PayU payment gateway support new - German translation new - improved Gap time new - enable to block # days starting from current day imp - allow processing of 3rd party plug-ins in Item descriptions fix - search module revision fix - gallery bugs and image handling fix - standard design (detail images) fix - ordering Item properties
--- 2.0.7 --- [28.06.2013] new - improve gallery slide-show: tween motion, set tween duration, set number of images in one move new - show customer names (only logged in customer) new - show full week (weekly calendar - if actual day is Tuesday, then Monday will be still visible) fix - conflict with JoomDOC4 - the same class-name AUpdateHelper fix - unable trash pre-reserved reservation fix - capacity selector with more digit capacity without popup cart fix - first month in schedule has year value from schedule end
--- 2.0.6 --- [14.06.2013] new - fixed limit of reservation type: manager can select more then one week day only from which fixed limit can start new - hide days in which does not begin fixed limit, see configuration/calendars/hide days in which ... new - show capacity selector near of bookit button, see configuration/item detail defaults/show capacity new - use color picker for set price color fix - JoomFISH incompatibility with Joomla database connector fix - pagination of month calendar on bookable item detail fix - time offset in PDF ticket fix - show price excluding tax fix - check in/out vice versa in PDF ticket fix - template checkbox property dissapear
--- 2.0.5 --- [06.06.2013] 
new - show/hide cart popup window
fix - quick book item list does not accept items ordering
fix - quick book page has not default style
fix - expiration time is now shown in local time, fixed night time (timezone)
--- 2.0.4 --- [24.05.2013]
new - remove item from reservation
fix - HTTP error 500 with null parent in bookable item list (with Joomla 3)
fix - duplicate customer account when administrator manages reservation
fix - PHP notices on reservation list
--- 2.0.3 --- [16.05.2013]
fix - use server local time
fix - more reservations with the same time
fix - show invalid reservation expiration time
new - show prices excluding tax
new - Google maps work with PHP Curl
-- 2.0.2 --- [26.04.2013] 
new - generating and mailing reservation confirmation as PDF
new - option to allow one item in reservation only
fix - disable unbookable fixed limit
fix - PHP5.3 x PHP5.2 with DateTime::modify return value
-- 2.0.1 --- [19.04.2013] 
new - closing days
new - item reservation manager
fix - copy item reservation types and prices in right ordering
fix - redirect back to the last item after reset reservation
fix - 500 error with FaLang
fix - create new customer with already existing user account
fix - autofill reservation form by registered customer data if reservation creates administrator on the front-end
fix - save date and time when reservation was created
fix - error when customer selects save & continue in popup window
fix - select midnight in the time picker
fix - clean-up localisation
fix - clean-up reservation statuses
--- 2.0.0 --- [12.04.2013] 
new - stable Joomla 3 compatible version
--- 2.0.0 Beta 3 --- [19.03.2013] 
new - allow reserving through ACL
fix - updater works for beta versions
--- 2.0.0 Beta 2 --- [07.03.2013] 
new - object has an owner
new - new ACL
new - custom color for calendar and prices
new - contact form instead of calendar
fix - extra fields
fix - inserting images
fix - properties
--- 2.0.0 Beta --- [24.01.2013] 
new - Joomla! 3.0 supported
new - Joomla! 1.5 is not supported anymore (for Joomla 1.5, keep 1.x version)
new - supports Joomla built-in updater
--- 1.6.1 --- [24.05.2013] 
new - remove item from reservation
fix - duplicate customer account when administrator manages reservation
--- 1.6.0 --- [17.05.2013] 
new - multi reservations
new - closing days
new - images thumbnails cache base folder configurable
new - reservation id in confirm e-mail
new - return to the previous page after login
new - show total price on item detail page
new - select more reservation intervals in calendar
new - store reservation create/modified date and time
fix - valid night booking settings
fix - fixed shedule validator and prevent infinitive loop
fix - list of supported curencies instead of text field in PayPal configuration to avoid user mistake
fix - week numbering with IIS
fix - disappear fragments of fixed limits which are unbookable
fix - back to the latest bookable item after reset reservation
fix - add option midnight to the time picker
--- 1.5.9 --- [12.03.2013] 
fix - search module
new - list of tax rates
--- 1.5.8 --- [27.02.2013] 
new - follow up
--- 1.5.7 --- [30.01.2013] 
fix - edit reservation from frontend as admin
fix - reservation expiration
fix - strftime('%V') does not work with IIS - switch to date('W')
--- 1.5.6 --- [16.01.2013] 
fix - searchable properties in search module
--- 1.5.5 --- [04.01.2013] 
fix - weeks numbering
fix - months navigator
--- 1.5.4 --- [02.01.2013] 
fix - weeks numbering
--- 1.5.3 --- [30.11.2012] 
imp - finnish translations reviewed
new - payment method Checkout
--- 1.5.2 --- [14.11.2012] 
fix - config saving
--- 1.5.1 --- [13.11.2012] 
fix - don't load/save config values
fix - formating new price in object
--- 1.5.0 --- [8.11.2012] 
new - translating config values in JoomFISH, FaLang
new - showing only days with possible reservation in calendar
fix - deleting properties and reservatin types in JoomFISH, FaLang
fix - cutting last word in short description of the object
fix - deposit is now included in full price
--- 1.4.5 --- [10.10.2012] 
new - allow book fixed limit if has been started in the past
--- 1.4.4 --- [13.09.2012] 
fix - update Dutch localisation
fix - option display all in template's list
fix - option display all in objects's list
fix - FaLang objects title filter
fix - problems with JoomFISH 2.2.3
fix - safe PayPal request
fix - wrong week numbering in months list
fix - don't repeat week in next month if not required
new - config option nights style
new - save customer also in non-registred mode
--- 1.4.3 --- [29.06.2012] 
new - payment method SoFort
--- 1.4.2 --- [28.06.2012] 
fix - monthly calendar on windows
fix - selecting intervals in monthly calendar
fix - google map lightbox with Joomla 1.5
new - set property visible on object's list and object detail
--- 1.4.1 --- [20.06.2012] 
fix - wrong URL with com_booking0
fix - add column week into table #__booking_price
--- 1.4.0 --- [15.06.2012] 
new - supplement price multiply with reservation length
new - weekly calendar on objects list
new - extra fields of customer reservation
new - search module - locations, template properties, login button, labels below of buttons
new - locations - select on search module, remember through objects list/object/reservation and saved as supplement
new - credit card payment - posibility to eval custom PHP code after save data
new - highlight engaged units in calendar
new - allow booking for even/odd/all weeks
fix - missing last day in weekly calendar
fix - popup window to select object with Joomla 1.6 and newer
fix - notice message in image manager
fix - inherit menu Itemid through all component's pages
fix - reservation filter in administrator
fix - display template properties of parent objects on frontend object's list
fix - PayPal testing mode (sandbox) and payment verifing (changes on paypal server), duplicity of path in return URL
fix - object's list pagination styles
fix - hourly price ends on midnight
fix - clock toogler of time picker z-index position
fix - object copy
--- 1.3.9 --- [23.03.2012] 
new - VAT support new - invoice download icons integration when used with Book it! Invoice add-on
imp - english translations reviewed
fix - time offset in mailing
--- 1.3.8 --- [20.03.2012] 
new - google maps integration
fix - popup calendar in search module didn't work with another component on page
fix - accept terms was not shown if note, captcha and payment method were not used
fix - time and day shift in weekly calendar (sunday shift to monday positon and one-hour time shift)
fix - copying "admin e-mail" and "admin e-mail from" from Joomla's config into Booking's config as default didn't work with Joomla 2.5
fix - after reservation canceling redirect link didn't contain menu item id (modules could disappear)
--- 1.3.7 --- [12.03.2012] 
new - list of calendars at objects list with reserved days highlighted
new - extended search module - date range, price range, capacity
new - more monthly calendars at object detail
new - settings for customise object detail
--- 1.3.6 --- [05.03.2012] 
new - option to allow reservation begin only from concrete week day
fix - saving of object's properties with Joomla 2.5 (changes in Joomla database core)
fix - update Dutch localisation
fix - time picker clock image wasn't visible with FireFox 10
--- 1.3.5 --- [27.02.2012] 
fix - PNG and GIF transparency
fix - revision of localisations
fix - calendar limit fix
new - setting for JPG and PNG images thumbnails quality
new - custom price format
new - standard Joomla parameters for module: class suffix, cache, cache TTL and layout
new - order object properties and supplements
new - support for FaLang, fork of Joom!Fish available with Joomla! 1.7/2.5, see
--- 1.3.4 --- [17.2.2012] 
new - allow zero price
new - allow book current day
fix - PHP compatibility with strtotime
--- 1.3.3 --- [13.2.2012] 
fix - limit restrictions in monthly calendar
new - logout button in Booking module for Joomla 1.6 and higher
--- 1.3.2 --- [3.2.2012] 
fix - objects gallery
new - cciDEAL Platform payment method
--- 1.3.1 --- [31.1.2012] 
fix - wrong redirect link after reservation
--- 1.3.0 --- 
note: On upgrade are rewrited reservation and status change e-mails configurations. Any customized e-mail templates will be lost!
new - reservation of more different objects at once
new - reservation of multiple capacity
new - supplements with multiple quantity
new - attach files to subject. Can be displayed on frontend or sent with reservation.
new - configuration for terms of contract and terms of privacy
fix - possible JS problems on J!1.5
fix - custom time formats fix

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