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DONT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!! READ THIS!! 12 years, 8 months ago #30970

First Off-the idea behind the product is nice but here is what they don't tell you;

1- If you buy and install this VM Invoice product, you will have to still edit VM code in order to stop the sending of default emails by VM. Otherwise customers will receive double the invoices-one from VM by default and one from this component.

This is not designed as a standalone invoicing component that sends invoices instead of default VM ones--which is what everyone believes as the common sense dictates. Why would people otherwise buy this?! So unless you know how to do coding to disable the VM default invoices going out for all the statuses separate (Confirmed, Shipped, eye) be ready that you will be asked by the makers of VM Invoices to pay extra to do that--yeah I'm not kidding. They say this is outside of their customer support. LOL!

2- After installing this component on my Joomla 1.7 and VM 2.0.6 I had plenty of issues with orders not going thru or displaying white screen after clicking on "Submit Order".

SO BEWARE because not only this will potentially screw up your website but you will also not receive any help fro FREE. I asked for refund but got no answer to that so I just disputed the charge with my Credit Card and to money back.

The worst company you can deal with-- STAY AWAY!!!
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Re: DONT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!! READ THIS!! 12 years, 8 months ago #30978

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563

1) we asked you to turn on error reporting and send us what error is generated when you see the white page;
instead of assistance, you spent time writing this -- well, your choice

We have answered all your questions in timely manner; if you are pressed by time - we offer emergency paid support for such cases.

2) at the other post you made, you did not even bother to answer:

3) we sell the component as standalone; therefore, we do not modify VM code in any way; in the documentation, there is hint how to integrate it; but we are not going to give you instructions, how you should configure your VirtueMart or modify its code to disable some of its functionalities -- that is out of scope of these forums and support, as I explained to you;
Btw. I believe this can be set in VM configuration without need to change its code.
If you want hints how to modify VM code, you have an option to purchase paid support for that.

4) we respect our customers and try to help if we can -- if they are reasonable; obviously not your case, we really cannot provide support for anything you want, and immediately; you are not the only customer here
Open-source does not mean completely free and out time and work also costs something.

5) normally, I would delete a post like yours, but I prefer to keep it here, so everyone can make his own opinion about the case; I do not think all the problems are at our side
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years, 8 months ago by miun.
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Re: DONT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!! READ THIS!! 12 years, 8 months ago #31068

1--You asked me to turn on the error reporting while already telling me this is VM problem and outside of your support , therefore already assuming I would pay for extra support to fix issue that was started the moment your component was installed.

2--Not sure what you mean, but I was done responding when I found out about your idea that I would pay for support to fix an issue that was started with installation of your product.

3--THIS IS WHERE MY POROBLEM WITH YOU IS: Since you sell a component that creates and sends invoices to customers, it is logical to assume that it would not make the customer receive 2 different invoices (one from your component and one from VM itself). If in fact that is the case you should INDICATE SO in bold letters to people that they must edit VM Code in order to make it work as everybody thinks it would. But that of course would hurt the sales right?? Look, I know your strategy--once you omit this very important detail people will buy your component and then of course rather focus on paying someone to fix VM coide to stop other invoicing or pay you. You know it that's why you conveniently do not mention this UP FRONT! You can hide behind all your fine print all you want but a respectable seller would never hide this to make an extra buck. And by the way--you know I'm not the first one writing this, so dont give me crap that I am the only one here.

4--reasonable? You lost all right to use this word after you asked for money (extra support lol) to fix a problem that was started by your component. Guess what, once I removed it it was ll fine on my website.

5--You are right, keep the post, this way people will at least understand how your component works and how you dont mention few things in order to make a quick buck:

a. Your component will send just another invoice to customers, so they receive double the invoices, not only your componnet's invoice, instead of the VM one

b. In order to fix that (or the white screen that will screw up your checkout process), customers must either pay someone else to edit VM code or pay you to stop VM invoices being emailed out as well

c. the fact that you are still not embarrassed by your business management is just crazy and again, I urge everyone to stop and think before doing business with you.

P.S. There was never a business that was lacking in customer service as much as yours does. Be honest and UP FRONT with your customers about the shortcomings of your product...just an advice.
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Re: DONT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!! READ THIS!! 12 years, 8 months ago #31070

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563

well, you still miss one but the most important thing: How are we supposed to help you (white screen problem) if you refuse to cooperate and provide necessary information?
Instead of that, you are complaining how bad our support is.

For a successful dialog, there need to be 2 parties.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years, 8 months ago by miun.
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Re: DONT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!! READ THIS!! 12 years, 8 months ago #31071

Because I vividly remember the very little detail where you stated that my requests for your help fall out of the scope of your free support. I obviously was not willing to pay for something that ought to be free since it caused all the issues in the first place.
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Re: DONT BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!! READ THIS!! 12 years, 8 months ago #31072

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

The sending of default invoices from VM can be disabled: open the Components -> VirtueMart -> Configuration -> Checkout page and uncheck the "Create and send pdf invoices" option. This option is present in VM 2.0.6.
ARTIO Support Team
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