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  • Posts: 563
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  • About Me: A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Location: Ostrava, CZ
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ARTIO Support Team



yes, we offer customization services.
This customization would take about 6 hrs. If you are okay with that, you can purchase it as a support time at
Download tickets for ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Hello Cyril,

as regards the "offline mode" as you describe it.

Probably, the only way to achieve this would be either:
* share the documents through some cloud service (DropBox, GoogleDoc) or similar that offers API that could be utilized for this at server side and that has applications ready, that users could install at their local computers
* create an own desktop application that would take care about synchronization with the server where the JoomDOC is installed

Technically, the transfer of data is not a big issue.
What IS a major issue in these cases is the data synchronization and change management. What if 2 offline users will be editing the same document at the same time?
If one connects to Internet and uploads it, the second one will then override it with his own changes.
There would have to be defined a locking mechanism, that would monitor when a particular user has dowloaded the original document, compare, if there have been other updates to it in the meantime and warn the user - or not allow upload of a document - in case there would be a risk of overwriting somebody elses changes.

If you are interested in this, we could certainly cooperate with you an implementation of such feature.

Best regards,
Offline mode
Category: Priority Support
Btw. most likely, the problem is that the product URL has changed -- and that is likely not due to JoomSEF upgrade but due to VirtueMart upgrade.
You should check the JoomSEF configuration, that the URL filter for the VM extension is not preventing the creating of new SEF URL, as that is most likely the problem.
JoomSEF not creating ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Most likely, the problem is that the product URL has changed -- and that is likely not due to JoomSEF upgrade but due to VirtueMart upgrade.
You should check the JoomSEF configuration, that the URL filter for the VM extension is not preventing the creating of new SEF URL, as that is most likely the problem.
How is it posible?
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hello, please, before complaining, read the

You write no Order ID, no version information, nothing. Why should we answer to you if you do not follow the basic rules?
How is it posible?
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hello, please, before complaining, read the

You write no Order ID, no version information, nothing. Why should we answer to you if you do not follow the basic rules?
JoomSEF not creating ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

in you code posted bellow, I can see you have there
<td align="right" width="60%">Datum vystavení: </td><td align="right" width="40%">09.11.2013</td></tr>

And it seems the whole table, which should be 50% of page width is moved to right from some reason, Probably because your left column has some too wide content.

In such case, you should edit the source and change the width ratios for the table.
You can also remove the fixed width and alignment for the 2nd td in the code above.

So you can change it to:
<td align="right" width="60%">Datum vystavení: </td><td>09.11.2013</td></tr>

That should help.
Anyway, if you want not to just fix the outcome, but fix the reason, you need to check the content of the left column to see why it is too wide.
I have a problem wit ...
Category: Customer Support
ok, we can add this as a custom feature. The question is, whether you always want to show all attributes, or want to select only some, that will be shown.

Eg. from you example, if you have attributes capacity, temperature, coating, maybe you want just the coating and capacity to be shown on the invoice?
(adding the interface to specify only some attributes would be slightly more work, but can be done of course)

An offer for this has just been sent to your email.
VMInvoice and Virtue ...
Category: Customer Support
I believe this has been resolved already with a custom support. Therefore closing this topic.
Favorite Search
Category: Customer Support

thanks for the info, we will check this right away.
Could not obtain cre ...
Category: VM SMS
yes, such restriction is possible.
Please, check chapter "3.2.2. Phone Numbers Filtering Configuration" of VM SMS documentation.
only use phone if th ...
Category: VM SMS
we are doing final test. It should be released by end of this week.

Your subscription is valid if it is less than 1 year from purchase or if you have prolonged the "free upgrade" period.
Booking Search Form ...
Category: Priority Support
Hello, we have just published v2.0.26. Please, upgrade and let us know if it helped.
Wrong tax percentage ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello VM Invoice does not yet support upgrades through Joomla Extension Management.
As it maintains compatibility both for Joomla 1.5 and 2.5, it uses its own updater.

Usage of Joomla Updated is planned, but not really a priority.
504 with version che ...
Category: Customer Support

I believe this has been solved here already several times.
The problem is that VM does not store full information needed to recover the original price structure. Therefore, some parts must be calculated from the final price and that is where the rounding problem may appear. (at least for VM 1.x, but slighly similar problem is also with VM 2.x)

Therefore, you need to set rounding in VM and VM Invoice in the same way.
Please note this does not need ot be changed on DB level, but it may be set in VM configuration.
Tax doesn't add up
Category: Customer Support
It is quite simple -- it all depends on the PDF structure. If the searched keyword is included within -- and not broken-up to multiple parts - then it should be possible to find it inside.

However, if scanned or created with some OCR, the text may be broken (composed in several layers) and then no automated tool might be able to find it.
Poor quality PDF fil ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Yes, you can create a new Order in VM Invoice and than have it sent (or re-sent if you are editing it) though VirtueMart.

If the order is unpaid, VirtueMart usually includes a payment link in it. (e.g. for PayPal)
(however, this may be dependent on a specific payment method; also please note this is fully controlled by VirtueMart, not by VM Invoice)

As I mentioned in , we also plan to add the "(Re-)send Order" action to VM Invoice. But that will again just trigger VirtueMart funciton on mailing the actual order to the client.

VM Invoice does not aim to replace the VirtueMart's order compose and mail function.
VM 2.0 - Payment ord ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
After you create or edit the order in VM Invoice, you can send the Order, (not invoice) to the client again.
However, that is done through VirtueMart (at order list), not through VM Invoice.

Than, processing of the payment etc. is already driven completely by VirtueMart.

(btw. we plan to add a "resend order" tool to VM Invoice as well -- that will trigger the VirtueMart action, so it can be controlled from a single place; but at the moment, it can be done, but only through VirtueMart interface)
payment after editin ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
it seems ZOO is not processing standard Joomla content plugins, so rendering FlashCharts inside ZOO content will not work.

It is up on ZOO developers to allow processing all installed and properly registered + enabled Joomla content plugins withing articles and/or other content managed through ZOO extensions. If they do so - and it should be relativelly small update - then it should work as with standard Joomla articles.

Unfortunatelly, there is nothing how we could affect this within FusionCharts.
Can we chart stats f ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
I think my colleague wrote quite clearly " It depends on every component if it works with Joomla content plugins or not."
Which implies, that it is ZOO which does not support FusionCharts, because it is not processing other Joomla content plugins. FusionCharts is not processing any plugins, it just generates the flash chart object.

Nothing else to say, except you might want to contact ZOO developers, because in this case, they are the ones who need to update their code. (or maybe it just needs to be allowed within ZOO I am not sure as we do not use this extension)
For sure, by-design, there is nothing that can be done in this matter at FusionCharts end.
Charts not rendering
Category: Customer Support
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