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Tax doesn't add up
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TOPIC: Tax doesn't add up

Tax doesn't add up 11 years, 9 months ago #39488


Like some other people I noticed that the tax sometimes just doesn't add up.
single price net: 6.30 (x 30 times should equal 189) instead it shows 189.09.


I figured out that it must be related to the prices entered in virtuemart and as they have go up to 5 decimal into detail this rounding makes sense but I still need a possibility to switch it off.
It is very annoying to look through every invoice and manually correct quite a few of them.

And it just is not possibly to enter net prices with only 2 decimal points into virtuemart as it sometimes doesn't come out with the correct prices including tax. ( Even though the prices only differ by a couple of cents max. )

The virtuemart order details show the correct price of 189.00 (attached)


I would be very thankful for a solution.

kind regards
jakob albrecht
Last Edit: 11 years, 9 months ago by ZeroKewl.
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Re: Tax doesn't add up 11 years, 8 months ago #39735

does anyone has an idea ???
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Re: Tax doesn't add up 11 years, 8 months ago #39821

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

You have probably different configuration in VirtueMart.
There is no functionality in the VM Invoices at the moment to round prices to integers.
But VM Invoices show correct prices, because 189,00 x 1.19 != 225,00.

I can add this to our project management and we will see what we can do with this problem.
If you need fast solution, we can offer you custom paid support. If you are interested in, let us know on Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript (copy to Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript )
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Tax doesn't add up 11 years, 8 months ago #39848


thanks for the response.

Even though 189,08 x 1.19 = 225 the problem is that the whole invoice is still not valid for the tax assessement as the amount of tax is shown as 36,00 and the total with tax as 225,00.
So in the end it does not add up: 189.08 + 36 = 225,08 (and NOT 225,00)

Do you have any Idea what settings in VM (or VM invoice ?) have to be changed so that the price adds up?

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Re: Tax doesn't add up 11 years, 8 months ago #39849


I would really appreciate a workable suggestion how to overcome this relatively simple, but fundamental issue. Currently the shop generates 5-10 invoices a day. Most of them have to be manually corrected or re-issued because the amounts do not add up and therefore cannot be used as a legally relevant document.

The problem can be easily simulated in your own system or you can order (and cancel the order ;) in the shop on

I am sure this is not too difficult, but requires a competent coder to spend 5-10 minutes in order to fix this simple math problem.

This is now being pushed back end forth for almost 3 weeks now and our client is getting (rightfully) impatient.

Thankyou for your urgent attention and willingness to provide your good support for your good products.

Project Management
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Re: Tax doesn't add up 11 years, 8 months ago #39875

The issue is that the "internal" field value calculations in VM invoice do not follow the logic of the invoice. This way you'll get different results and the invoice amounts do not add up.

However the root cause which brings the poor coding of the logic to the surface, is that VM by default calculates with 5 digits after the decimal point - for whatever reason. Once this is changed to 2 digits, the issue disappears.

So go into phpMyAdmin and change the field types in the STRUCTURE of the following tables:

product_price decimal(15,5) ->decimal(15,2)
product_override_price decimal(15,5) ->decimal(15,2)
product_item_price decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
product_tax decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
product_basePriceWithTax decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
product_finalPrice decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
product_subtotal_discount decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
product_subtotal_with_tax decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_total decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_salesPrice decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_billTaxAmount decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_discountAmount decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_subtotal decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_tax decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_shipment decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_shipment_tax decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_payment decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)
order_payment_tax decimal(15,5) -> decimal(15,2)

As my closing words: I am very disappointed about the support for these commercial addons. After three weeks of non-response I ended up digging into their coding logic myself, because the calculations in their invoices do not add up. This is not very professional..... :(
Last Edit: 11 years, 8 months ago by ZeroKewl.
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