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ARTIO Support Team



do you have still problem with responsive design? There is already version 2.2.4 which contains some fixes for this feature.Can you check it?
Safari not supported ...
Category: Community Support

I would try to re-save menu link to Book it! component. New installation of Book it! has different id in database and this is probably problem for old link.

Please, try it and let us know if it helped you.
No items found
Category: Customer Support

Problem finally simulated. We will try to solve it in next version.
Existing joomla user ...
Category: Community Support

I created reservation by not logged user, so it means it will create new customer. But reservation has reserved status and not cancelled. There is no reason why it should be cancelled. But I will consult it with developers.
Existing joomla user ...
Category: Community Support

I can not simulate your problem. Can you send your website url to Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript ? Please add there also customer accounts with login details and admin login details so we can check customer accounts settings.
Calendar view differ ...
Category: Community Support

I tested it on Joomla 3.2 and Book it! 2.2.2 and still no problem.
Can you send your website url to Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript ?
Safari not supported ...
Category: Community Support

Installation of Booking automatically get all Super Admins and set them as Global Managers. But list of admins in Booking is list of Joomla Users, because you should be able to set anybody as admin.

Customers are different. They have their own data in database (about addresses etc.) Any Joomla user can have customer row in db. It is created when user book any bookable item and confirm order.

It is not important for you to create customer for any Joomla user. It will be created automatically if those users will use this component.
Existing joomla user ...
Category: Community Support

Teoretically there can be some problems on iPad or iPhone, but we tested it for sure and it works on our development site. Tested on MacBook (also with simulation for iPhone).

Tested on Book it! 2.2.0.

You can also try to enable multiple reservations in Configuration -> Item Default Details -> Multiple Reservations
Then system should not use Check In and Check Out fields.
Safari not supported ...
Category: Community Support

There has to be some differences between both users. Do they use same user group and are they both marked as global managers or are they both only customers?
It can be bug in this component. All users should be able to see not available dates.
Any information can help us to find problem.
Calendar view differ ...
Category: Community Support

Main problem (2.) - Version 2.2.1 doesn't contain fix for this issue yet. We will repair this problem in version 2.2.2. It would be released this friday.

Secondary problem (1.) - Thumbnail in itemlist. I see problem on backend in Google Chrome. Can you be more specific, where exactly

There are two ways how to update your component. If you have version 2.2.0, you should be able to set Download ID in component configuration. If it doesn't work, you can still download version from Download Area. Just fill there your download id, and it will automatically download the newest version of the component.

We will try to check online update functionality if there is any problem.
Problems with Thumbn ...
Category: Customer Support

You can try to enlarge memory_limit in php.ini.
For example:
memory_limit = 128M

If it will not help you, please, send us ftp access and admin login details to your site to Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript .
500 - DateTime::__co ...
Category: Customer Support

This settings is actually not possible to set. I added this problematic to project management, so we will probably implement some feature, which will allow it. But it can take some time before if will be released.
extra info on Advanc ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

We are sorry for late response.
I checked functionality in Joomla 3.1.1 and Joomla 2.5.14 and I can add new customer fields.
If I understand it right, you have no buttons under Extra-Felder. There should be button New to add your own fields.

Can you check logs, if you get any error? If you have no error, can you send us admin login details to your administration part of website? Please, send it to Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript .
Custom fields are go ...
Category: Customer Support

This is very nice question. I do not remember any other customer wanted this feature, but I think, it is very important thing.
There is no similar option at the moment. Customers are able to cancel reservations via reservation list until the reservation is not expired.

I will add your idea to our project management and we will try to preapre this feature for future releases. If you need this feature now, we can help you as custom paid support. If you are interested in, let us know on Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript .
Set termination date
Category: Priority Support

Many thanks for nice post. It was really easy to simulate your problem. But not so easy to solve it.
Finally there is no syntax error. Only IE and Safari browsers are trying to make a joke. But it is really not funny!

Try to modify the file: components/com_booking/assets/js/calendars.js - function requestNavigation
* Calendar pagination via ajax

requestNavigation : function() {
new Request({
url: location.href,
method: 'post',
data: $(Calendars.getForm()).toQueryString() + '&tmpl=component&ajax=1',
onRequest: function() {},
onSuccess: function(responseText) {
var beginMark = '<!-- Calendar HTML Begin -->'; // sign in html where changed content begins
var endMark = '<!-- Calendar HTML End -->'; // sign in html where changed content ends
var beginIndex = responseText.indexOf(beginMark); // changed content begin index
var endIndex = responseText.indexOf(endMark); // changed content end index
var length = endIndex - beginIndex + endMark.length; // changed content length
var html = responseText.substr(beginIndex, length); // parse changed content
$('bookingCalendar').set('html', html); // update current page
var beginMark = '<!-- Calendar JS Begin -->';
var endMark = '<!-- Calendar JS End -->';
var beginIndex = responseText.indexOf(beginMark);
var endIndex = responseText.indexOf(endMark);
var start = beginIndex + beginMark.length;
var length = endIndex - beginIndex;
var js = responseText.substr(start, length);
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
Calendars.boxes = new Array();
script.text = js;
onFailure: function() {}

The most of the code is still same as before.
Tested on IE7 - 10, Safari, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

Please, also replace function showTotal in same file
* Send whole reservation form to the server through AJAX to ge total price.

showTotal : function() {
var form = $(this.getForm()).clone(); // copy of reservation form
// remove navigation parameters
new Request({
url: juri + 'index.php?option=com_booking&controller=reservation&task=gettotal',
method: 'post',
data: $(form).toQueryString(),
onSuccess: function(responseText) {
responseText = JSON.decode(responseText);
if (responseText['status'] == 'FAIL') {
Calendars.unBookAbleInterval = true;
if (responseText['error'] != '') {
$('total').set('html', '<span class="unBookAbleInterval">' + responseText['error'] + '</span>');
} else {
$('total').set('html', '<span class="unBookAbleInterval">' + LGUnBookAbleInterval + '</span>');
} else if(responseText['status'] == 'OK') {
Calendars.unBookAbleInterval = false;
$('total').set('html', responseText['total'] == '' ? '&nbsp;' : responseText['total']); // show total price on page

There was removed only comma ',' before this row: '}).send();'. It is repair for IE7.
Syntax error in cale ...
Category: Customer Support
Ok, modification will be also in version 2.2.1.
Mobile_Detect error
Category: Priority Support
Of course we will try to solve the problem so you will be able to use any date format.
But new version will be probably realeased later (probably after 2 - 3 weeks).
Bug weekly overview
Category: Priority Support

This problem should be solved in version 2.1.3+
You can check this TOPIC: HELP!!! Nothing but Issues!!!

But I consulted problem with other developers and you can try this modification:
Open file administrator/components/com_booking/helpers/config.php

There is this row:

Modify it to:
if (!class_exists('Mobile_Detect'))

Let us know if it helps.
Mobile_Detect error
Category: Priority Support

There is one bug with date formats in version 2.2.0. You can check this TOPIC: 500 - DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse tim

If you have different error, please check logs and let us know what error do you get. Information about Joomla and Book it! version can also help us.
500 error by selecti ...
Category: Customer Support
You can check administration of demo now.
Use this login:
username: com_booking
password: demo
Syntax error in cale ...
Category: Customer Support
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