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Offline mode
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TOPIC: Offline mode

Offline mode 10 years, 7 months ago #45316


Did you already try to add an offline mode so that users that are disconnected from the server still can access a local copy of their files and modify them.

At the next internet connection the update to the server is performed (if no conflict)

If you didn't do it, what should be the right way to do it according to you please?


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Re: Offline mode 10 years, 7 months ago #45325

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563
Hello Cyril,

as regards the "offline mode" as you describe it.

Probably, the only way to achieve this would be either:
* share the documents through some cloud service (DropBox, GoogleDoc) or similar that offers API that could be utilized for this at server side and that has applications ready, that users could install at their local computers
* create an own desktop application that would take care about synchronization with the server where the JoomDOC is installed

Technically, the transfer of data is not a big issue.
What IS a major issue in these cases is the data synchronization and change management. What if 2 offline users will be editing the same document at the same time?
If one connects to Internet and uploads it, the second one will then override it with his own changes.
There would have to be defined a locking mechanism, that would monitor when a particular user has dowloaded the original document, compare, if there have been other updates to it in the meantime and warn the user - or not allow upload of a document - in case there would be a risk of overwriting somebody elses changes.

If you are interested in this, we could certainly cooperate with you an implementation of such feature.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 10 years, 7 months ago by miun.
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