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Blank White Page showing!!
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TOPIC: Blank White Page showing!!

Blank White Page showing!! 12 years, 8 months ago #30908

1- Every time order was placed with credit card I got a blank white screen. Tried 3 times. Then when I go to the website again and to cart--the product is still there but the transaction was actually successful. This is bad! Very confusing to customer.
2- When I update the order status inside the order management and save it, the screen goes white as well.
Oh and the customer does not get the updated status even after I select the box "notify customer"

Please tell me how to fix this--this is very bad for my business. Thanks

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Re: Blank White Page showing!! 12 years, 8 months ago #30923

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. As for first error, that is VirtueMart, not VM Invoice related. There is some PHP error on page. To see it, go to Joomla! -> Global configuration -> server -> Error reporting and set temporairly to Maximum.

As for other error, we are currently investigating it. You will se probably see something about "... libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php on line 336". Temporary solution would be changing orders status (when want to notice customer) directly in VirtueMart.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Blank White Page showing!! 12 years, 8 months ago #30934

Look, I spoke to my developers and it appears to be only after installing your component. The white screen is still there. Please let me know if you can fix it (but only if ASAP), otherwise I am forced to revert to the old invoicing and worry about editing that layout. If you can not do it ASAP please process a refund for the order as I can not use this and my developers are unable to correct this. I told them to wait until tonight, late for my decision. Email me at Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript for login credentials.

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Re: Blank White Page showing!! 12 years, 8 months ago #30945

Hi, I am really pressed by time and need to know if you can get in my admin section and fix it or if not, when will you process refund. Please respond with an answer. Thanks.
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Re: Blank White Page showing!! 12 years, 8 months ago #30979

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563
To see the reasons of the error, you need to turn on error reporting in Joomla to maximum level.
Or to check webserver logs.

If you post us here the error message we can most likely explain its reason.
It may be also some library missing or conflict with some other piece of code.

I have already wrote you this in email. So try to be constructive instead of writing dishonesting posts.
Btw. the standard support reply time is 2 business days, and your post was answered in time. Im sorry you are pressed by time. If so, you can purchase a paid urgent support with us.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Blank White Page showing!! 12 years, 8 months ago #31069

Here is my answer copied (for you) from the other post;

1--You asked me to turn on the error reporting while already telling me this is VM problem and outside of your support , therefore already assuming I would pay for extra support to fix issue that was started the moment your component was installed.

2--I was done responding when I found out about your idea that I would pay for support to fix an issue that was started with installation of your product.

3--THIS IS WHERE MY POROBLEM WITH YOU IS: Since you sell a component that creates and sends invoices to customers, it is logical to assume that it would not make the customer receive 2 different invoices (one from your component and one from VM itself). If in fact that is the case you should INDICATE SO in bold letters to people that they must edit VM Code in order to make it work as everybody thinks it would. But that of course would hurt the sales right?? Look, I know your strategy--once you omit this very important detail people will buy your component and then of course rather focus on paying someone to fix VM coide to stop other invoicing or pay you. You know it that's why you conveniently do not mention this UP FRONT! You can hide behind all your fine print all you want but a respectable seller would never hide this to make an extra buck. And by the way--you know I'm not the first one writing this, so dont give me crap that I am the only one here.

Kkeep the post, this way people will at least understand how your component works and how you dont mention few things in order to make a quick buck:

a. Your component will send just another invoice to customers, so they receive double the invoices, not only your componnet's invoice, instead of the VM one

b. In order to fix that (or the white screen that will screw up your checkout process), customers must either pay someone else to edit VM code or pay you to stop VM invoices being emailed out as well

c. the fact that you are still not embarrassed by your business management is just crazy and again, I urge everyone to stop and think before doing business with you.

P.S. There was never a business that was lacking in customer service as much as yours does. Be honest and UP FRONT with your customers about the shortcomings of your product...just an advice.
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