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joomSEF + Virtuemart Checkout doesn't work
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: joomSEF + Virtuemart Checkout doesn't work

Re:joomSEF + Virtuemart Checkout doesn't work 15 years, 10 months ago #6530

  • jaku

this is certainly not a general problem, but seems to be site specific.
I am not quite sure what could be problem in your case, but try to check what is your "site base href" value. In JoomSEF config, try to use "Homepage" value.

Either the page is redirected to wrong URL or some information (variable values) are getting lost during the redirection. (e.g. there could be double redirection cause by some custom redirect or similar issue) Also, this may happen when incorect form data type is defined in HTML, etc. (this could happen in case of some customizations)

Try to check the value of the setting mentioned above first of all. If that does not help, I am afraid it might be difficult to debug this without checking this directly on your site. That would be however already paid support from our side.
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Re:joomSEF + Virtuemart Checkout doesn't work 15 years, 10 months ago #6533

Hello Jan,

in my joomsef config parameter "Base href tag:" is set to "Use homepage" (by default).
I've tried joomsef on another local site with joomla with hardly no customization and i have exactly the same problem. I tried it online: same problem.
Can you tell me how to engage technical support ?

Hi Teachy,

I tried custom redirect but no positive result. In fact It's hard for me to understand how that can resolve my problem. If you can give me a hint you're welcome.

Last Edit: 15 years, 10 months ago by accion mutante.
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Re:joomSEF + Virtuemart Checkout doesn't work 15 years, 10 months ago #6544

  • jaku
Hello, you can purchase the support here:
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Re:joomSEF + Virtuemart Checkout doesn't work 15 years, 10 months ago #6557

Hi there
i am too using virtuemart.
and i got the same very problem.
though i have paid for the ext. i didn't get answer or help about this problem.
i can give you my solution though.
it work not so clean as the Artio but amazing results.

1. Create a file call - rourter.php
2. copy past the php in this URL, (you will have to download the file):

Review forum:

3. Upload the file to the - /components/com_virtuemart/

they have instruction also.

for me it works like magic.

the URL you should get is: component/virtuemart/categoryname/product name.html

i dont remmeber if i even disable the Artio
but like this file just do everything automaticly.
you will not need to rewrite any new clean URL.
and it helps take every single item in my site to the first result page of the search engine.
contact me if you have any doubt.
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hope it will help you
adi nesher
Last Edit: 15 years, 10 months ago by nonki212.
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Re:joomSEF + Virtuemart Checkout doesn't work 15 years, 10 months ago #6558

Some templates have an option to hide the main area (component ouput) so you can have a modular site...

Make sure you have this option to OFF or VM checkout won't work!!!
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Re:joomSEF + Virtuemart Checkout doesn't work 15 years, 10 months ago #6566

Hi there
where is the switch (component ouput) to switch on / off?
and if i dont have it, can you please give us the codes to add it.
for now.
for now after more then a month i paid you guys, i have this problems.

1. it seems i need to rewrite every and each URL manualy. am i right, because it gives me bad URL, such as: - - .
and so on and on.

2. Main problem , shopping cart does not work.

i was nice to you not to ask refound.
but please try to give us solution.

thank you
adi nesher
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