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Profile for nonki212

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 20:35
  • Posts: 14
  • Profile Views: 3496
  • Location: Unknown
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthdate: 01 Led 1976


adi nesher


thank you so so much
u made my day
to see admin thats care so much.
thank you
i will try to enter the forum here to help people with similer problems

thank you
Virtuemart doesn't S ...
Category: Extensions
i took off the SKU from the ext, and it is still showing the SKU instend of name.

i wonder if the sef URL are created already, if i changed to display name insted of SKU, will it change, or i need to do it manualy.
because in my case i still see the product name, though it is not marked
Virtuemart doesn't S ...
Category: Extensions
another question
i mark in the adminitrator of virtuemart ext artio to show the sku.
i see only the sku without the name of the item

can u tell me what table in the data base i need to fix

it takes too long to fix each url manualy

thank you
Virtuemart doesn't S ...
Category: Extensions
i had the same problem
and it solve as u wrote above
thanks very much
Virtuemart doesn't S ...
Category: Extensions

i added the manufacturer id for each product id
at the table in the data base name jos_vm_product_mf_xref

no i just have the product sku but i can fix the url manualy
Virtuemart doesn't S ...
Category: Extensions
the category is BOLSOS

this is the browes page

this is the flypage of any item in the bolsos category;manufacturer_id=
Virtuemart doesn't S ...
Category: Extensions
can u help me understand why some of my sites VIRTUEMART work perfectly with artio
and some web site don't have clean URL in the fly page?

i will really appreciate it.

i have access to data base ftp, and i have knowledge how to manage all the site.

so u can give me expert codes if needed.
thanks in a advance
Virtuemart doesn't S ...
Category: Extensions
i have similer problem
the browes page in virtuemart is CLEAN URL but the fly page is messy.
i have experience this before, i unistaled and reinstaled artio and it works, this time it didnt work, i uninstaled it a few times already, still not working.
Virtuemart doesn't S ...
Category: Extensions
Can u please indicate me in wich file did u add this?
and which line ?
i will really appreciate it
thank you
joomsef + virtuemart ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi there
where is the switch (component ouput) to switch on / off?
and if i dont have it, can you please give us the codes to add it.
for now.
for now after more then a month i paid you guys, i have this problems.

1. it seems i need to rewrite every and each URL manualy. am i right, because it gives me bad URL, such as: - - .
and so on and on.

2. Main problem , shopping cart does not work.

i was nice to you not to ask refound.
but please try to give us solution.

thank you
joomSEF + Virtuemart ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hi there
i am too using virtuemart.
and i got the same very problem.
though i have paid for the ext. i didn't get answer or help about this problem.
i can give you my solution though.
it work not so clean as the Artio but amazing results.

1. Create a file call - rourter.php
2. copy past the php in this URL, (you will have to download the file):

Review forum:

3. Upload the file to the - /components/com_virtuemart/

they have instruction also.

for me it works like magic.

the URL you should get is: component/virtuemart/categoryname/product name.html

i dont remmeber if i even disable the Artio
but like this file just do everything automaticly.
you will not need to rewrite any new clean URL.
and it helps take every single item in my site to the first result page of the search engine.
contact me if you have any doubt.
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hope it will help you
joomSEF + Virtuemart ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
hi there
i have the same exact problem.
where do i find the file i need to delete? jos_redirection?
thank you for your help
hi again i found in MYSQL 3 files on jos_redirection
do i need to delete all of them?
Joom sef 3.2.9 insta ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
hi again
i see the problem above is a 404 error
can you explain to me
how to write the root pass for using localhost/joomla?
thank you
The requested URL /x ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i am trying the com_Joomlasef3 on my localhost.
i have the Joomla 1.5 and i install through the Extention instal boton the com_joomlasef3 succesfuly.
i pass to error 500 bu naming the htaccess (_htaccess) , i mark in Joomla configuration the sefenable, wich work fine before instaling the com_joomlasef3.
but now i get the error:

The requested URL /xxx/xxxx.html was not

can you tell me if the com_joomlasef3 can be instal on localhost?
and what i do wroung, and how i can fix it.

also i read you mention changing the RewriteBase /
is it has to do with my error?

i bought the files from you yesterday with e-mail - Tato emailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty, abyste ji viděli, povolte JavaScript
thank you for your atention
The requested URL /x ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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