Hi there,
I am getting a fatal error in sh404 when using JoomShopping 3x extension from Artio with a 1.5.26 Joomla! site, the error occurs on checkout:
Cannot use object of type JURI as array in /home/blah/public_html/components/com_sh404sef/sef_ext.php on line 323
I've posted it on their forums as well, however it works fine when I check out using sh404's normal router, so I assume it must therefore be relating to the JoomShopping extension.
I'm fairly sure your response will be 'Buy Artio because our extensions aren't made for other software' but here's hoping there might be a helpful response :)
sh404 & Joomshopping ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by RCheesley
We've uncovered a potentially very serious security issue - who can I contact to give examples?
Potential serious se ...
Posted 14 years ago
by RCheesley
I commented out the following:
//{ // $this->_params = new mosParameters( $attribs ); // }
which resolved the problem.
mosParameters crashe ...
Posted 14 years, 3 months ago
by RCheesley
Not sure if there is any point posting here due to the vast number of posts going completely unanswered, but here we go.
What is the process for updating from DocMan 2.0 to JoomDOC latest version? I can't find anything remotely resembling documentation and there isn't even a readme in the download - some hints would be appreciated.
Upgrading from Docma ...
Posted 14 years, 4 months ago
by RCheesley
Hi guys,
Been informed that problems I'm experiencing with CBSubs are relating to the SEF stripping out aspects of the URL:
There is something wrong with your URL rewrite; it is stripping Itemid and other URL related elements. Users couldn't even unsubscribe from a subscription until the SEO was disabled. Setting Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use Apache mod_rewrite to NO resolved the issue from what I could gather; please inspect your URL rewrite or disable SEO (not exactly necessary anymore; Google understands Joomla URLs for long time now).
The problem is that users are being blocked if their subscription has expired - apparently due to the reasons above ( www.joomlapolis.com/component/option,com...10/id,121440/#121440)
Any suggestions?
Problem with Communi ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by RCheesley
Aha, I figured it out - for some reason the rewrite base was commented out - uncommented it and it seems to work now! Woohoo!
redirects 301 not wo ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by RCheesley
redirects 301 not wo ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by RCheesley
It seems somewhat odd that the 301 redirect feature of this component doesn't allow you to do this as part of the core functioning - yet by the sounds of the response you could manually do it in the htaccess file?
I (like many others I suspect) am in the process of migrating from non-joomla to Joomla and I need to redirect the old .php?blah=1 links to the new URL's - are you saying that this has to all be done manually in the htaccess file? :| If so, how, I've tried every possible method including using manual rewrites and none work.
What exactly is the 301 feature for, if not to permanently redirect URL's from one to another?
redirects 301 not wo ...
Posted 15 years, 2 months ago
by RCheesley
Yes, I agree (and had noticed the same author for both - it wouldn't suprise me if the code was obtained, repackaged as Artio and sold on) and suspect this is the reason behind Artio not offering any real support for the extensions they sell.
My client has decided to abandon Artio for that very reason, and I certainly won't be recommending them to any others given the many other issues I've reported and had virtually zero in the way of positive support. Given that this renders an iJoomla site completely unusable, the response has been absolutely awful (basically it's your problem, sort it out yourself)
Major problems with ...
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago
by RCheesley
Hi guys,
I've got a bit of a weird problem here which I am hoping you can help me sort out.
On a site running Artio, the following URL appears correctly, with the article taking up the entire space (no right column)
However recently created items in the same section are not laid out like this, and I am stumped as to the reason behind this (e.g. see www.rsnonline.org.uk/local-authority/bra...istrict-council.html and www.rsnonline.org.uk/local-authority/bas...istrict-council.html as examples)
I have checked the module assignment and there is nothing that is enabled but not visible (in fact there shouldn't be anything in that column). The only difference I can see is in the SEF url's. When I searched I found that the ones displaying correctly had the following entries:
1 0 local-authority/babergh-district-council-2.html index.php?option=com_content&catid=59&id=313&view=article&Itemid=272
2 12 local-authority/babergh-district-council.html index.php?option=com_content&catid=59&id=313&phpMyAdmin=ptY6ZOfk4l2Rm4vVP9O29gOmf5b&view=article
But those which are not displaying correctly have the following:
2 17 local-authority/braintree-district-council.html index.php?option=com_content&catid=59&id=928&view=article&Itemid=272
1 12 local-authority/bassetlaw-district-council.html index.php?option=com_content&catid=59&id=927&view=article&Itemid=272
What is the significance of the second link, and why does it have the phpMyAdmin sef URL? I am fairly sure this is the root of the problem - if I visit the former URL (index.php?option=com_content&catid=59&id=313&view=article&Itemid=272) then it displays with the right hand column in situ, but if I visit the latter (index.php?option=com_content&catid=59&id=313&phpMyAdmin=ptY6ZOfk4l2Rm4vVP9O29gOmf5b&view=article) then it displays correctly.
A bit baffled! Anyone able to advise? We have (and continue to have) all manner of problems with the SEF/iJoomla combination (in that, it mostly doesn't work for sections/categories!) so there is every chance that a setting has been changed which has altered how the SEF url's are being generated, but I'm not quite sure where to start looking!
Kind Regards,
Ruth Cheesley
Problem with SEF url ...
Posted 15 years, 3 months ago
by RCheesley
Any ideas how to go about fixing this guys? Would be really helpful!
Problem with AdsMana ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
As per my email sent last week, the problem does not appear to be fixed - I have suggested what I think is wrong but not sure how to go about fixing it.
Major problems with ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
That appears to be the problem - if I manually insert <a name="top"></a> into the top of the article, then it returns to the top of the first bit of text (ideally I'd prefer it to return right to the top (i.e. showing the article index) but ho hum, quick and dirty fix will do for now :D
Many thanks!
Problem with paginat ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
Hi guys,
I've read all the posts on this issue and I can't find an answer to my problem.
The AdsManager plugin seems to work ok however the ?order=0&expand=-1 issue is somewhat irritating.
My problem is that I have certain itemID's assigned to my menu links (which are URL's) that link directly to the various sections. When the user is in these sections they view specific modules, based on the itemID of the menu item they clicked on.
My problem is that, with SEF turned off, it works perfectly (and with the kunena plugin it also works perfectly as I have the same arrangement for forum categories) however as soon as I enable the AdsManager plugin, the ItemID disappears.
I have tried every possible combination that I can think of in the config of the component and of the plugin to no avail - if I get it to replace the ItemID's (which is how I assume you'll tell me to fix it) it is just appending the itemID of the parent menu item, not the child item which is actually clicked on.
Is this a bug? Can it be fixed? I am using the latest versions having upgraded via the upgrade option in the Artio component.
Kind Regards,
Ruth Cheesley
Problem with AdsMana ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
I tried that (by going to upgrade), but the iJoomla plugin does not appear in the SEF extensions list - in fact only three appear (Glossary, Kunena and Search) despite having many more installed.
I tried downloading the file again via the account maintenance link however the file modification dates appear to be identical to those in the original plugin - has it not been updated yet?
Major problems with ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
Great news - presumably those who purchased the original version are able to get the newer version, given that it wasn't working properly?
Major problems with ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
My article index links point to www.myurl.com/<blah>/<articlena...1#<pagenumber> except the top one which is #top.
In the article, at the end of each section, there is a link to go back to the top, which is www.myurl.com/<blah>/<articlename>-part-1#top
Therefore this should be jumping to the top (first) article however nothing happens when it is clicked - no page reload, nothing.
I have read more after the introtext, then the title of the page followed by the page break.
Problem with paginat ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
Just the "top" links which aren't working now - url seems to be correct but it's not going back to the top!
Problem with paginat ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
Ahar, that seems to have done it!
Would be interested to know if this has any other impacts across the site at all?
Many thanks for the speedy response!
Problem with paginat ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
Having read your help article I think this might be the problem - I will try turning it off and see if this works - what are the implications of turning off this feature across the site, if any?
Problem with paginat ...
Posted 15 years, 6 months ago
by RCheesley
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