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Virtuemart Products not SEF
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Support forum for customers who have purchased JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). Archive only, no new post can be added.

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TOPIC: Virtuemart Products not SEF

Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11093

  • jwvb
  • Posts: 8

Thanks for the replies.

- There are no Product SEO URLS in the Generated EO URLS section.. just the categories..
- I tried to Purge all URLS / Clean Cache / Cache off with no succes.
- Default handler is set to JoomSEF Handler

Does it matter if the default flypage name (it's called flypage5.tpl now) is different from the original flypage name in the default template folder? (flypage.tpl)
perhaps this could be the solution to my problem?

Not sure?
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11094

  • jwvb
  • Posts: 8

Thanks for the replies.

- There are no Product SEO URLS in the Generated EO URLS section.. just the categories..
- I tried to Purge all URLS / Clean Cache / Cache off with no succes.
- Default handler is set to JoomSEF Handler

Does it matter if the default flypage name (it's called flypage5.tpl now) is different from the original flypage name in the default template folder? (flypage.tpl)
perhaps this could be the solution to my problem?

Not sure?
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11095

  • jwvb
  • Posts: 8

I finally found the solution.. it's like I mentioned before, I had to change the filename of the flypage (flypage5.tpl) tot the default flypage filename (flypage.tpl) or else it won't be picked up by the Joomsef Component
Last Edit: 15 years ago by jwvb.
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11096

  • jwvb
  • Posts: 8
I still have one question though,

The system has picked up the VM products but if I click a product detail page I get the following SEF URL:


is it possible to filter out the /50/ part? As it's the alias of the created menu item..

I want the link to look like:


I can edit all SEO URLS manually but it takes too much time, I reckon there's a way to filter it out?
Last Edit: 15 years ago by jwvb.
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11099

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Thanks for the report about the flypage problem.
In order to remove the /50/ part, try going to Manage Extensions page, click the VirtueMart extension, expand the Common parameters tab and set "Show Menu Title" option to "No".

Hope this helps.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11106

  • jwvb
  • Posts: 8
Works like a charm!

Thanks a lot peeps :)
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