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Virtuemart Products not SEF
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TOPIC: Virtuemart Products not SEF

Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #10993

  • jwvb
  • Posts: 8
Hey I purchased the Joomsef + Virtuemart Bundle but I am experiencing problems with virtuemart..
The joomla end works fine and all the menu items are SEF but my Virtuemart products aren't SEF..

Does anyone know why? I don't have much experience with the Joomsef module but I would like to see my product URL as SEF in URL bar.

f.e. /bikinis works fine

but when I click a product it shows:


I am using the Default Virtuemart template with modded Flypages.

Joomla version Version 1.5.15
VirtueMart 1.1.4 stable
order number: 8565

Any help?

I can provide backend login if needed..
Last Edit: 15 years ago by jwvb.
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11057

  • jwvb
  • Posts: 8
No support on my question?

hmmm 50 views and not a single reply?
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11061

Hi jwvb

i dont know what is "VirtuMart Bundle" but you have to purchase these two things:

1) JoomSEF 3.5.5
2) VirtueMart JoomSEF 3 Extension

Install JoomSEF and than you have to install VirtueMart JoomSEF Extension via Extensions Manager in JoomSEF administrator. Turn on Virtuemart Extension and now all products should be SEO.

Let me know if it helps


Last Edit: 15 years ago by
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11062

  • jwvb
  • Posts: 8
Thanks for the reply Milan,

The Bundle I bought is the combination of Joomsef 3.5.5 and the Virtuemart Extension for a price of €35,- instead of €37,50 if you buy them seperately. (bought the bundle on the Artio Website)

I installed the products just like you explained in your reply.

I am not sure if I activated the Virtuemart Extension, where can I see if it's turned on?

Best Regards,

Last Edit: 15 years ago by jwvb.
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11063

you are right there is no 'Turn on' button. If you installed JoomSEF Virtuemart extension without problem It should works.

I was installing lot of sites and it works like a charm everywhere.

If you check SEO URL database in JoomSEF Administrator, did you see there generated URLS for eshop items or not ? Try to Purge all URLS and Clean cache and Turn Off using cache for now. And reload page..

Let me know ...
Last Edit: 15 years ago by
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Re:Virtuemart Products not SEF 15 years ago #11070

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Also, please check the Manage Extensions page and make sure the Active handler for VirtueMart says "JoomSEF extension". If it's not, make sure the JoomSEF's VirtueMart extension is installed and when you click the VirtueMart in Manage Extensions, the Handling option in Common group is set to "JoomSEF handler".

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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