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Profile for dajo

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ARTIO Support Team



Try using the full URL for your barcode generator, like <img src="" ...>
Unique barcode by in ...
Category: Feature Requests

From your screenshot it seems that there's nothing related to ARTIO JoomSEF installed anymore, so I don't think these error messages mean any real problem. Maybe you just selected multiple JoomSEF extensions to be uninstalled at the same time, but the component uninstaller uninstalls all the plugins and extensions automatically, so Joomla can't uninstall them later and displays the error message.
Uninstall broken too ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

There are "Add layout to URL" and "Default layout" options in JoomSEF's Content extension parameters, but currently they only support the "default" and "blog" layouts, so they won't help with your specific problem with layout=template:customCategory.
I can only suggest you to disable numbering of duplicate SEF URLs, so both real URLs will get the same SEF URL.

We'll try to improve the layout handling in some upcoming version.
Duplicate URL's for ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

We haven't seen this problem before. What version of JoomSEF do you have installed? What is the exact version of Joomla you use?

You can check the following settings:
1. Make sure that everything is enabled in JoomSEF's Control Panel in the SEF Status box.
2. Make sure that the System - ARTIO JoomSEF plugin is ordered as the first one of system plugins.
3. Make sure that you DON'T have "view" set in "Custom non-SEF variables" in JoomSEF's Global Configuration on the Advanced tab or in the Chronoforums2 extension parameters on the Common tab (accessible through Manage Extensions page in JoomSEF).
Category: JoomSEF 3
There seems to be some problem with URL redirection. On my test server when I try to login to Kunena I get redirected with 303 code, but on your website there is a 301 redirection happening.
Navigate to Joomla's Extensions -> Plugins menu, use Search Tools to display only "system" plugins, sort them by Ordering column and make sure that System - ARTIO JoomSEF plugin is ordered as the first one. Then navigate to JoomSEF's Configuration and on the Advanced tab make sure that "Parse Joomla SEO links" option is enabled. You can also try disabling the "Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF" option to see if it helps.
If that doesn't help, check 301 Redirects Manager in JoomSEF if there are any redirects for /component/kunena URL and also make sure that there's no rule in your .htaccess file which would cause such redirection.
Kunena login doesn't ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I've just tested it on our testing server and found no problem logging in to Kunena with JoomSEF. Could you send us a link to your website so we can check?
Kunena login doesn't ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

I've just tested it on our server and it works correctly. First of all check that everything is enabled in JoomSEF's Control Panel in the SEF Status section on the right side. Then navigate to SEF URLs Manager and delete all existing SEF URLs and then clear the cache in Joomla to make sure all SEF URLs get re-created with the current settings.
If that doesn't help, please post some example of what exactly doesn't work for your SEF URLs.
Add Trailing slash a ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

Yes, JoomSEF can be configured to add trailing slash to all generated SEF URLs. However, this works only for SEF URLs handled by JoomSEF, so if you are using some component for which there's no JoomSEF extension available and its SEF URLs would be handled by Joomla's default router, they won't have the trailing slash added. Your SEF URLs would also change, because JoomSEF generates them differently than Joomla.
The feature is available in free version of JoomSEF, so you can test it before purchase. In order to have trailing slash added to SEF URLs, set "File suffix" option to "/" in JoomSEF's Configuration on the Basic tab and make sure that "Remove trailing slash" option is set to "Never" on Advanced tab.
Add Trailing slash a ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

JoomSEF can do this, but you would need to implement a custom JoomSEF extension for JUMI component to generate SEF URLs you want.
You can download free version of JoomSEF and check the standard extensions for base Joomla components to see how they work.
Can JoomSEF handle c ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

Unfortunately, JoomSEF is not able to make these modifications, it can't handle URLs for stylesheets or JS scripts for example, it can only rewrite hyperlinks on the website and you would need to implement a custom JoomSEF extension for your component for that to work.

In your case I think the best options are to implement a system Joomla plugin which will search for "com_xyzcomponentname" and replace it with "com_mypersonalstring" in the HTML output and then set-up a RewriteRule in .htaccess file to handle the replaced URLs correctly.
The links in e-mails will probably require some other handling, depending on how they're generated from the component.
HTML component name ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Dear Seifer,

Could you please send us an e-mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with exact steps to replicate the error on a fresh Joomla installation? I haven't encountered this error during testing even with subdomains enabled.
Thank you.
Joomsef and Gantry5 ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

I've just tested Gantry 5 framework and its Hydrogen theme with JoomSEF 4.6.6 on Joomla 3.5.1 and I haven't encountered this problem.
Please make sure that the System - ARTIO JoomSEF plugin is ordered as the FIRST system plugin in Joomla's Plugin Manager.
Joomsef and Gantry5 ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

JoomSEF's Google Analytics code doesn't support ECommerce tracking.
JoomSEF and Google A ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

We don't have any information about some incompatibility between AdminExile and JoomSEF.
According to your examples the incorrect URLs have a form of SEF URLs generated by default Joomla router, so most likely your Active Handler for VirtueMart was changed on JoomSEF's Manage Extensions page.
SEF URLs not generat ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

We've just released a new version 3.0.7 of VM Invoice which should fix the error. I'm sorry for the problems.
Upgrade 3.0.6 fails ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

Could you please check if the file /home/ exists on your web server? Thank you.
Upgrade 3.0.6 fails ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

In that case the current functionality of sending the SMS when status changes should be ok and you only need to be able to include the delivery date in the SMS text. In that case it will be much simpler and 1 hour of our time would be enough.
sms the comment of t ...
Category: VM SMS

If you want to send the SMS notification to your customer when you change the delivery date in an order instead of when you add a comment, it would be a little simpler, but not much. In that case the time required for implementation would be 4 hours.
sms the comment of t ...
Category: VM SMS

We can implement a plugin for VM SMS for you that would send the comment to your customer by SMS as a paid service. Estimated time required to implement this functionality is 5 hours. The pricing depends on the selected response time, please see:
sms the comment of t ...
Category: VM SMS

I've just tested a clean installation of Joomla 3.4.1, FaLang 2.0.0 and JoomSEF 4.6.2 free version on our test server and it works as expected. So I can only suggest you to check all your settings once again:
1. System - Language Filter plugin must be disabled
2. System - ARTIO JoomSEF plugin must be ordered as the first one of system plugins
3. System - FaLang Database Driver must stay enabled
4. "Enable JoomSef language management" option in JoomSEF's Configuration on the Language tab must be set to Yes
5. Everything must be displayed as Enabled in JoomSEF's Control Panel in the SEF Status box
6. All your menus, categories and articles must have the Joomla Language option set to All
7. The languages you want to use must be set up in Extensions -> Language Manager -> Content and must be enabled

Make sure to delete existing SEF URLs in JoomSEF and clear all the Joomla and JoomSEF caches after checking the configuration.
problem with Falang ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
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