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[SOLVED] Forgot password issue - JOOMSEF issue?
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TOPIC: [SOLVED] Forgot password issue - JOOMSEF issue?

[SOLVED] Forgot password issue - JOOMSEF issue? 15 years ago #10368


I don't actually know whether this is a joomSEF issue or not but it's the only difference I can find (so far) between the demo website and the live website at

I am using Joomla 1.5.15 with JoomSEF.

The website has been live for a few weeks without any issues but today it's been realised that the forgot password doesn't work.

The page displays correctly

but when you enter your email you get the following message
Your username has been e-mailed to....

And the message is correct the username has been sent rather than the password.

I've raised this on the joomla forum as well but I was wondering if the renaming of the pages by JoomSEF could be doing anything. I know it's a long shot but I'm stumped at the moment.

Thanks for any ideas on where to start looking.

Last Edit: 15 years ago by kljltd.

Re:Forgot password issue - JOOMSEF issue? 15 years ago #10370

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

Which version of JoomSEF do you use?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Forgot password issue - JOOMSEF issue? 15 years ago #10371

Sorry I forgot that...

JoomSEF 3.5.3

I think it's something to do with the URL redirects so I've changed one so it now displays

Re:Forgot password issue - JOOMSEF issue? 15 years ago #10372

It worked once and then failed again.

When I look at JoomSEF I have 3 different places going to change-your-details.html
(see image).

When I delete them and do it again it works once but then they appear again and so the problem starts again.

Re:[SOLVED] Forgot password issue - JOOMSEF issue? 15 years ago #10373

I changed the config to allow duplicate URLS to be numbered and this has solved the problem once I deleted the duplicates.
Last Edit: 15 years ago by kljltd.

Re:[SOLVED] Forgot password issue - JOOMSEF issue? 15 years ago #10374

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069
Glad to hear you got it to work. This problem should be also solved in JoomSEF version 3.5.4.

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team
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