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Joomla 1.5.5 & Artio SEF 3.1.2 Does Not Work
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Support forum for users using free edition of JoomSEF 3 (Joomla 1.5 compatible). These forums are mainly for mutual help between users.

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TOPIC: Joomla 1.5.5 & Artio SEF 3.1.2 Does Not Work

Re:Joomla 1.5.5 & Artio SEF 3.1.2 Does Not Work 16 years, 7 months ago #4598

I run on a similar setup and somehow seem to have two issues.
First of all in the JoomSEF plugin I do not get the list of extensions, I see the following PHP errors:

Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/ on line 53

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/ on line 53

I upgraded to JoomSEF 3.1.2 (paid version) with the promise that this would resolve some PHP4 issues but apparently not htat one.

Unfortunately my php skills are not high enough to fix this right away.

This means that I cannot configure the plugin I bought for sobi2.

On a different server (test setup with php5) I do have access to the extensions and there I seem to not get anywhere with the sobi2 plugin. I keep getting screwed up sobi2 URL's combined with SEF urls which defies the idea of buying the plugin somewhat.

Anyone here that can help me?? I am getting frustrated as heck with this.

Re:Joomla 1.5.5 & Artio SEF 3.1.2 Does Not Work 16 years, 7 months ago #4600

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

That is exactly the problem that version 3.1.2 fixes and it works for most people. Unfortunately, we cannot test our products on every possible server configuration.
How exactly do the URLs look like? Have you purged the already created URLs and cleaned the cache so they can be created again?

Best regards,
ARTIO Support Team
ARTIO Support Team

Re:Joomla 1.5.5 & Artio SEF 3.1.2 Does Not Work 16 years, 7 months ago #4602

as far as the upgrade goes, I may have missed something since I have had to do the upgrade manually (litterally manually, by doing a DIFF between new and old version and updating that since somehow on the current setup I cannot install any modules normally, still have not gotten to the root of that issue though)

If you have any tips, or maybe know of DB changes that were in the upgrade which I have missed since I only did a code update, please let me know

the URL's look as follows:

where i would expect the category to be shown.

and yes, all URL's have been purged (several times) cache has been cleaned on server and clients... still no dice :(

Thanks for the help!

Re:Joomla 1.5.5 & Artio SEF 3.1.2 Does Not Work 16 years, 7 months ago #4604

this is bizar, I found the way to upgrade to php 5.2.4 and yet i still have this message:

Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array in /home/vhosts/ on line 53

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/vhosts/ on line 53

ideas anyone?

Re:Joomla 1.5.5 & Artio SEF 3.1.2 Does Not Work 16 years, 7 months ago #4605

manually re-did the upgrade and now it looks fine :)

Going to see now if I can get the SOBI2 extension to work properly at last

Re:Joomla 1.5.5 & Artio SEF 3.1.2 Does Not Work 16 years, 7 months ago #4610

strangely enough I purchased the paid version and got it to work. I first uninstall the free version, deleted any mysql tables related to artio then installed the paid version.

My 404 page now redirects to my frontpage, but only if i type a url within the root folder such as

But if I type in a missing page within a folder such as it does not take me to the frontpage, nor does it return the correct 404 page. Instead it takes me to some generic "404 - Resource not found" page.

How can I get this fixed so pages within folders that do not exist also return my frontpage or a 404 page i create?
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