Long time no response... I have even tried to get some assistance by email and you sent me another zip file of the upgrade, fine so I managed to install the component but nothing works!!!
I replied to you regarding this immediately and no reply.
Don't you care at all about your clients?
We bought customization from you in order to get everything fixed, nothing was fixed because the custom work was for version 2 you told me. Now after following your instructions we're stuck here still with no working booking system.
I must say you're the worst support I have ever met I'm very unhappy to have bought your services.
If you don't respond before tomorrow I will do the only thing the seem to get your attention.
Post a bad reputation on the JED.
Please help me out and don't leave me as another disappointed customer in the line....
Upgrading from Booki ...
Posted 11 years, 6 months ago
A little upgrade:
I reported to the webhost staff about this incident and he replied that he found a message in the firewall.
Error message: Multipart parser detected a possible unmatched boundary.
It was my IP that generated this message,
Just wanted to share the info as you might be helped by this extra info.
Upgrading from Booki ...
Posted 11 years, 6 months ago
I have just received the upgrade license for Booking from version 1 to 2.
So I read the sintructions and uninstalled the backend component and all other things of Booking.
Then after downloading version 2 from the download link procided in the email "Download-info" from Artio I followed the instructions in the docs also downloaded from download link,
Just by install it from Joomla backend.
What happened is the site crashed!
It seem slike the entire web server crashed due to this.
After approximately 6 min it's up and running aain and I can re-enter backend of my site www.stigsbergsgard.se and try to install it again as I thought that it might have been the web server that had crashed dureing the installation causing it to be uncompleted.
But now it crashes again after it's uploaded and about to install.
Since then the swrver is down...
I have an akeeba backup of the old system so I'm not worried but it seems like something is wrong with my installation pack.
Please I need assistance.
Upgrading from Booki ...
Posted 11 years, 6 months ago
I have been using the Artio Booking component for over a year now and now I would like the possibility to add booking of a fishing boat. It shall be 24 hours validity for each booking period and of course the possibility to book several periods in a row.
The problem I face is when a customer boks 1 day = 24 hours then the next day isn't bookable.
I mean it would be the best if a customer could book from for example first day at 15:00 hours til second day 15:00. And then next customer should be able to book from 15:00 second day til 15:00 third day etc.
Now as the only way to set it up seem to be daily automatically the second day is booked and not available for another customer until the day after. This way we get a gap of 1 day each time the boat is booked where it is not bookable.
How can I solve this dilemma?
Fishing boat booking ...
Posted 11 years, 7 months ago
Perfect Jiri! Many thanks for this!
Have you considered the custom work yet?
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
I have exactly the same problems. I can view them when monthly calendar is choosed but not with weekly calendar.
Of sourse i can't use monthly calendar for all my objects as it is rental of a riding facility per hour or half day and also another object per hour based so I also really hope this will be solved soon.
Did you have the same problem after upgrading to the new version?
Artio team fixed it for me last time so I guess it can be done but it seem to be very low priority....
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
Please Artio support team, can you help us with this?
Last time I got fast assistance but this time it was 6 days ago I got any response to this.
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
So now we have a pattern where IIS8 is the issue I think. But still you fixed it last time so please fix it now as well and let me knwo how to proceed when an update is needed.
And there is no option to make a backup as doing a backup of the whole site would make things very complicated with orders in teh webshop disappearing etc. At least this time it's a problem so a fix would be good. You can do it maybe when you do the custom work?
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
Yes the information missing is date and time of booking, which is pretty important.
Feature and configur ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
I don't think it's possible to only restore the Artio booking with akeeba backup which is the backup I have.
If I want to restore averything then we will loose two weeks of orders in Virtue Mart webbshop so that is no good option.
Is there no other way to fix it?
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
On my clients site, stigsbergsgard.se I have a few different booking objects.
1. Booking of horse riding facility
a) Half hour bookings
b) Half hour exclusive bookings (where noone else are allowed to be in the riding house)
c) Half day exclusive booking (where noone else are allowed to be in the riding house), 8.00 - 12.00 and 13.00-17.00 with option to add extra hours after 17.00.
d) Full day bookings
Now my client wants to add possibilities for the bookers to add a custom textfield where they shall add information regarding the booking activity.
I have added this options to the supplements tab so they can choose what to do.
The problem here is when they book you can't as an administrator see which time is booked and you can't see the extra option the have choosed.
This is a must so you know what time is booked etc. And the extra options are mandatory so they can tell visitors what kind of activity is boked for the current day etc.
How do I configure so the time and the choosed extra options are visible in the backend?
Also would it be possible to have a "Booked" text instead of a color in the calendar when booked? Or different colors for different bookings and then set up a legend so the visitors can see what bookings are made.
If this isn't possible can you make a custom coding to add these possibilities and if so what would the price be?
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards
Feature and configur ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
jitr wrote:
Yes, maybe for IIS. Thanks for this information.
Ok my customer is persistent on using this host provider so I have to live with strange problems occuring every now and then...
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
jitr wrote:
OK, I fixed it on your site. There is some strange problem with week numbering in PHP.
Excellent Jiri, thank you very much.
Does this mean it's solved and why was the problem appearing? Is it because it's on a windows iis server?
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
jitr wrote:
Could you sent me FTP and Joomla admin? There is some problem in component which I cannot repeat on my local installation. Send on
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
. I will investigate it tomorow.
I sent all details to your email now!
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
Hello again,
By completely writable do you mean 777 or 755?
Best regards,
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
I use the Artio Booking version 1.5.5 Paid version.
All of a sudden my clients sites booking system has stopped working.
If I go into the backend I see no errors but if I try to go to any of the booking objects from a menu or a link in an article the site crashes.
I have tried to relink the menu objects but get this error message every time:
JCacheStorageFile::_deleteFolderJFolder: :delete: Det gick inte att ta bort mappen. Sökväg: C:\HostingSpaces\stigsberg\stigsbergsgard.se\wwwroot\cache\com_booking
The site URL is: www.stigsbergsgard.se
I havenn't done any upgrades on the site except from joomla versions so I have no idea why the Artio links dessn't work any more.
I need assistance with this as I have absolutely no idea what is wrong.
Best regards
My Artio Booking ha ...
Posted 12 years, 2 months ago
peetree21 wrote:
Ok Thanx now i know everything! :) Doh!
Booking is not user ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
Thanks that solved this part.
If I also want the "Book it" button to appear at the end of the page how do I do that?
I have tried to move a link looking like this and moved it to the end:
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_($this->backurl); ?>" title="" class="bookit-back button"><?php echo JText::_('Back'); ?></a>
But that didn't give any changes. Is that buttons position defined any other place?
It would be more logic to move it to the end of the page, so you make all booking settings first and then go for the press the "Book it" button procedure.
Action points for bo ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
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