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Action points for booking that I need help with
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Universal booking and reservations component for Joomla!.

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TOPIC: Action points for booking that I need help with

Action points for booking that I need help with 12 years, 3 months ago #32535

  • LAMF
  • Posts: 72
Here's a list of to-do points that I have been asking for help here before but never got any. Please let me know at least if it is possible to solve or not. My client is really disappointed and I have been paying both the usual license and also for sutom support so I am counting on some feedback on this.

1. 'Välj checka in' / 'Välj checka ut' as a concept does not really work in terms of horse trailer or riding-facility. WE would rather see 'start' / Stop Time ' as translation here.
2. After this we would like to change the text "Boka den här Ridhuset nu" I can't find where to do this.
3. When you click on 'Checka in' it says 'Klicka in schema startdatum för din bokning' I would also like to change this text.
4. I would like the possibility to have the Add ons / Extras to be at the end of the booking, not on top as it is now, how do I change that?

See image here below:

Looking forward to your help.
Best regards
Last Edit: 12 years, 3 months ago by LAMF.
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Re: Action points for booking that I need help with 12 years, 3 months ago #32907

  • LAMF
  • Posts: 72
Have you quit supporting on the forum?
I would really appreciate at least an answer...
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Re: Action points for booking that I need help with 12 years, 3 months ago #32911

  • LAMF
  • Posts: 72
I have solved all points except from #4.

Where can I set up to shift place of the Supplements (Tillägg) so that the customer can choose them last?
I want that box at the end of the booking page underneath the prices if possible.

URL to the booking:
Last Edit: 12 years, 3 months ago by LAMF. Reason: Adding information
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Re: Action points for booking that I need help with 12 years, 3 months ago #32982

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, point 4 is simple improving of template. Look into components/com_booking/views/subject/tmpl/default.php
There is row looks like echo $this->loadTemplate('supplements');
You can move it at the end of template.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Action points for booking that I need help with 12 years, 3 months ago #32998

  • LAMF
  • Posts: 72
Thanks that solved this part.
If I also want the "Book it" button to appear at the end of the page how do I do that?
I have tried to move a link looking like this and moved it to the end:
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_($this->backurl); ?>" title="" class="bookit-back button"><?php echo JText::_('Back'); ?></a>

But that didn't give any changes. Is that buttons position defined any other place?
It would be more logic to move it to the end of the page, so you make all booking settings first and then go for the press the "Book it" button procedure.
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