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virtuemart search module
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TOPIC: virtuemart search module

virtuemart search module 11 years ago #42587

Hi, I have problem with the search form virtuemart. After I have installed Artio JoomSEF and Artio Virtuemart ext, the search module does not work properly.
Sometimes the research shows "no items" when in fact the item exists, and sometimes it works.
Turning off JoomSEF everything back working.
The version that I have installed are the following:
JoomSEF 4.5.1
ext virtuemart 3.0.18
Virtuemart component 2.0.26d
my site is
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Re: virtuemart search module 11 years ago #42648

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Re: virtuemart search module 11 years ago #42676

  • dajo
  • Posts: 5069

I've tested the search on your website and it seems that VirtueMart remembers the last category that was visited and searches only in that category for some reason.

Currently you could be able to fix it by following these steps:
1. find the "en/our-production/list-all-products" SEF URL in JoomSEF's URLs Manager and edit it
2. copy its Old Non-SEF URL and Itemid values and close the edit view
3. create a new SEF URL with the same values (the same SEF URL, Non-SEF URL and Itemid), but add the following text to the Non-SEF URL: "&virtuemart_category_id=0" (without the quotes)
4. save the new SEF URL and in the list of URLs click on the icon in the Active column for your new SEF URL to make it Active

So after proceeding with the steps you should have twice the same SEF URL "en/our-production/list-all-products" in your URLs list, one with added &virtuemart_category_id=0 part in its Non-SEF URL part and that one should be set as Active.

We'll check what causes this problem more thoroughly and try to fix it in next version of our VM extension.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 11 years ago by dajo.
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