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Virtuemart 3 + VM Invoice - dont work
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TOPIC: Virtuemart 3 + VM Invoice - dont work

Virtuemart 3 + VM Invoice - dont work 9 years, 11 months ago #46119

  • fale

My configuration: Joomla! 3.4.0 + VirtueMart VM Invoice 2.0.48

I'm trying to create a new order and falls strange bug

Table 'new.testserver32.e888iz_virtuemart_vendors_' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `e888iz_virtuemart_vendors`.* ,`e77iz_virtuemart_vendors_`.* FROM `e77iz_virtuemart_vendors` INNER JOIN `e888iz_virtuemart_vendors_` using (`virtuemart_vendor_id`) WHERE `e888iz_virtuemart_vendors`.`virtuemart_vendor_id` = "1"

e77iz_virtuemart_vendors in the database exists

What could be the problem? Wait for a new version?
Last Edit: 9 years, 11 months ago by .
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Re: Virtuemart 3 + VM Invoice - dont work 9 years, 11 months ago #46136

  • mitk

your VM Invoice version doesn´t support VM 3. We released new separated compatible version: VM Invoice 3 -

Also this forum category doesn´t serve for question like this. You can send us Support ticket - it can be found in your Artio user account -> left panel -> Support.
Last Edit: 9 years, 8 months ago by .
The topic has been locked.
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