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Why include Text labels in variable fields?
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TOPIC: Why include Text labels in variable fields?

Why include Text labels in variable fields? 13 years, 2 months ago #25513

I have no control over that....

If I try and create a table and add a header for an item. Adding a curly bracketed item underneath provides a another text label....stupido!
I can create my own labels(using my own lingo and formatting) all I want from the curly bracket variables are the data entities themselves i.e. for {invoice_date} I get "Invoice Date: 11/11/2011" I want "11/11/2011"

I just want the date, then I can create my own label and format it.
At present I can't even format your label...

When removing an item in the Invoice Items config, the total isn't moved over.

Whay is the address formatted in the way it is? This looks fugly, can you please let me know how to make nice?

Last Edit: 13 years, 2 months ago by .
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Re: Why include Text labels in variable fields? 13 years, 2 months ago #25552

  • jaku

ad labels) good point, currently you can only achieve that by setting the language constants in laguage file to empty string (but we will include your request to next release, so you can use bracketed keywords to get just values)

ad number of columns) will check that, probably the columns count is not calculated correctly

ad address formatting) that seems to be somehow limited by something else, normally, this all shoul dbe in a single row (maybe you have adjusted the template parameters somehow, so it only uses now such a narrow column);
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Re: Why include Text labels in variable fields? 13 years, 2 months ago #25573

In a single row? Why?
No, I haven't adjusted the columns for the 50% td width in the original template. Also it's putting in "|" as a seperator. Deinfitely not something I have done either. Is there anything I can do in the override?
Last Edit: 13 years, 2 months ago by BodgeIT.
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Re: Why include Text labels in variable fields? 13 years, 2 months ago #25575

Re address: You can delete that tag in your template and type it in as you want. That is what I did.
Last Edit: 13 years, 2 months ago by TurnTex.
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Re: Why include Text labels in variable fields? 13 years, 2 months ago #25577

Of course you can!
Jesus sometimes it's the most obvious things that are right in front of your face that are the hardest to see!

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