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problem with text strings from vm fields
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TOPIC: problem with text strings from vm fields

problem with text strings from vm fields 10 years, 9 months ago #44378

hi i'm using vm 2.6.a j2.5.20 and upgraded today to vminvoice latest version. I'm using a multilanguage shop and some shopper fields contain a language string in title to be translated in different language. Until the upgrade i made today, vminvoice put the translation in the pdf. now,after the last upgrade, my extrafields are not translated anymore even if in the core joomla override language strings are present.
i need to solve this asap. can you help?
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Re: problem with text strings from vm fields 10 years, 9 months ago #44440

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. Yes, it is probably a bug. It will be fixed in next release.

Until that, you maybe can fix it if you put VM translations from Joomla language folders to VM component language folder. Its because since VM2.6.0 they changed its location, but old VM translations are still in Joomla folders. Do it by moving files from

*suffix means that there can be more files starting with com_virtuemart, copy all of them.

Do is same way as also for /administrator folder. Only instead ROOT use administrator folder.

This sould fix it. We are sorry for inconvenience. Let us kniw if it helped or not. Thanks.
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 10 years, 9 months ago by pama.
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