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PDF: how to set clients language
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TOPIC: PDF: how to set clients language

Re: PDF: how to set clients language 11 years, 1 month ago #42412

  • hoks
  • Posts: 7

A bit strange that VM PDF invoice only detects the language set on the Joomla user, but VM registration don't ask this in the registration. Then all first time buyers (this is the greatest group) the PDF language is in the site default.

In my opinion should VM PDF invoices support this by default, otherwise it's impossible to create the PDF in the correct language. Then you give an positive argument why people should buy this product. I am a bit dissapointed this is not default in it.

Paid support: please let me know the price for add 'choose language' field in the VM registration. Please consider my opinoin above for the price, which i believe it should be there in default.
I don't prefer core hacks, please use the overrides.

Regards Michel
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Re: PDF: how to set clients language 11 years, 1 month ago #42418

  • jaku

well, VM Invoice has no basically Joomla front-end (with exception of integrating it with VM invoice list as described in documentation). It simply only creates PDF invoices based on exisitng VM orders and allows invoice creation in back-end.

Language selection is matter of rfront-end egistration form - which is either core Joomla or VirtueMart (if registering within a shop). Certainly there is no direct relation to VM Invoice -- that will only re-use the existing setting of an user.
So although you may have different opinion, registration form was never meant to be part of VM Invoice.

As regards the customization, we expect that 2-3 hrs would be needed to make and deploy the necessary adjustment. This will in fact not be a VM Invoice customization but VM / or Joomla registration form customization, which ever you prefer. Of course we would use over-ride, not a core hack. We do not do such things. :-)
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Thank you.
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