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Payment_Info does not show on invoice
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TOPIC: Payment_Info does not show on invoice

Payment_Info does not show on invoice 10 years, 11 months ago #43650

After a painful install which I posted about in another topic, I have everything working EXCEPT I can't get the payment info to display on the invoice. According to the release notes, this should now be available.

I've tried using the payment_info field but nothing is displayed.

I am using a third party payment method but this information is visible when editing a VM order. Specifically, I'm looking for the name on the credit card, an incomplete credit card number (all but last 4), expire date, and CCV, i.e. all the information that is presented for user verification.

I can't find any option that allows me to show or hide this information such as exists with shipping info.

Am I using the right field? If not, which one should I use?
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Re: Payment_Info does not show on invoice 10 years, 11 months ago #43685

I've attached a txt file with the HTML code from my invoice template, items block header, and items block table row. I originally copied this from the Artio Demo site for the VM Module and then edited as I needed.

I'm do not need to use the extra fields but notice that they do not work either. I have them enabled and specified a few fields for them but they do not appear on the invoice.

The most important thing is for me to be able to add the credit card verification info to the invoice I have created. Any help with this is appreciated.
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Re: Payment_Info does not show on invoice 10 years, 11 months ago #43686

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. Yes, it should be visible with {payment_info} tag or when you turn on Invoice Items Configuration -> Show Payment Details -> Yes, with additional info.

But should depend of how the pugin saves the information. We could test it only with standard Paypal plugin. Currently, it only tries to read if there is some info in "<span class="vmpayment_*info">...</span>" in #__virtuemart_payment_plg_*** table's payment_name field. We don't have experience with other payment (and shipment also) plugins. So what 3rd party plugin do you use? If you cannot provide it for us (like if it is paid), can you provide us how it saves info to "payment_name" field? We can then adjust our getting data from this field. Thanks much.
Note: this place is in getter.php method getOrder(), if you want to edit it.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Payment_Info does not show on invoice 10 years, 11 months ago #43692

I did find the payment info area (missed it at the bottom of the list) and did turn it on but it still does not show on the invoice.

I'm using Alatek's Offline Credit Card Processing:

It is a paid product so I don't feel comfortable sharing it without their permission. I did attach a snapshot of the structure of the database where the information is stored. As best as I can tell, it conforms to the virtuemart_payment_plg_***.

I will ask if I can send a copy of the plug-in to you.

I will also take a look at getter.php.

Any other information you can provide will be appreciated.

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Re: Payment_Info does not show on invoice 10 years, 11 months ago #43705

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. We are close. :) We need to see how data are saved to this table. If they are presented in payment_name field, we can extract that (then post here some sample of data in payment_name field). But probably they are not there, but saved in cc_* columns separately. In that case we will add possibility to insert these fields directly to template (like {cc_type}, etc), because every user would want to display these details differently...
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 10 years, 11 months ago by pama.
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