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More replacement fields are required!
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TOPIC: More replacement fields are required!

More replacement fields are required! 12 years ago #36572

Hi to all,

At the moment, there are a few things that are critical for us and seem to be not possible with VMInvoice; some more replacement field are required (under Order Prices column).

(The problem is that our shop uses coupon discounts BEFORE tax, and it seems that there is no support for this in VMInvoice?)

- {Coupon Discount without Tax}. At the moment, the {coupon_discount} field shows the discount with tax. The problem is also visible in the order management as the item discounts and coupon discounts are calculated and shown with tax always! This is not good for all shops.

- {Total Tax after coupon discount}. It is strange, but we haven't managed to locate a field to show the correct tax after discount.

- {Subtotal without shipping}. We need to be able to separate the product subtotal from the shipping. VMInvoice only calculates subtotal as product subtotal+shipping!

Let me explain above; let's suppose we have the following order:

Product Subtotal: 1008€
Shipping: 59.80€
Subtotal: 1067.80€
Tax 18% : 192,20€
Total: 1260€

So far so good. The problem for us is when applying the coupon discount (only to the products, before tax), e.g. 35% this case.

Normally it must be:

Product Subtotal: 1008€
Coupon Discount: -352.8€ (35%) <- This is the correct discount without the tax! VMInvoice will wrongly show 352.8*1.18=416.3€!)
Shipping: 57.80€
New Subtotal: 713€
New Tax 18% : 128.34€ (This is the new tax! VMInvoice cannot calculate this! It will still show 192,20€ but this is not correct!)
New Total: 843.7€

We hope that the issue is clear for you. We'd appreciate your advise asap, as at the moment we cannot produce correct invoices for our company.

Thank you in advance,
Test Site:
Joomla 2.5.6
Virtuemart 2.0.10
Joomsef 4.2.8
Joomsef Virtuemart Extension 3.0.6
Last Edit: 12 years ago by atrus80.
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Re: More replacement fields are required! 12 years ago #36680

  • miun
  • A pesimist is just a well-informed realist.
  • Posts: 563

we are already aware of this problem. The feature (discount before tax) has been added to VM quite recently and is still a bit buggy - therefore it is not yet fully supported in VM Invoice.

For sure this issue will be addressed in more detail when it proves as stable in VM self.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: More replacement fields are required! 12 years ago #36696


Thanks for your reply; ok i understand your point, but if you can add these 3 additional replacement fields as stated before it is fine:

- Coupon Discount without Tax

- Total Tax after coupon discount

- Subtotal without shipping

using the above we can override any issues with VM and we don't have to wait until the feature is stable etc... which might be very late... or never! At the moment we are unable to produce any correct invoices and we need to find a solution asap.

Thanks in advance.

Test Site:
Joomla 2.5.6
Virtuemart 2.0.10
Joomsef 4.2.8
Joomsef Virtuemart Extension 3.0.6
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