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Many bugs as calculations
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TOPIC: Many bugs as calculations

Many bugs as calculations 12 years, 6 months ago #32144

hi , i bought the program but i found many many problems in the tax calculation and in the PDF tamplate.

i already call at the support , i write email and so on but no answer ,

kindly someone of support can listen an my problem ???

is it possible to speak in skype or i have to call again and spend other money of what i already spend ???

it's not possible to buy a software and PAY DIRECTLY and have thats bugs and nobady that answer at the support .

Please someone have to contact me back or kindly i will ask back my money and unistall your software.

the problem


i have a product that cost 5 € ( 4,20 + 19 % tax) but in the product details i type a OVERRIDE of 2 € and flag OVERWRITE FINAL PRICE as a promotional price

this is the INVOICE that your software generate when there is DISCOUNT

the right invoice should be so cosiderate the FINAL PRICE

quantity article name price per product tax rate total with tax
1 xxxxxxxxxxx 2 € 19% 2 €
2 xxxxxxxxxx 2 € 19 % 4 €

shipping with tax 4.90
summary net 9.15 ( 6 + 4.90 ) / 1.19
TAX 19 % 1.74 €
payment 0 €

TOTAL with tax 10.90 ( 6 + 4,90)

this is the right invoice where the clients can understand what they bought

it's also impossible that i'm the only one that have this problem

this invoice it's really a confusion for the customers that have to read it

and i reapeat i pay before and i think a little support for solve this problem must be done .


Best Regards.
Last Edit: 12 years, 6 months ago by coppo82.
The topic has been locked.

Re: Many bugs as calculations 12 years, 6 months ago #32160

  • pama
  • Posts: 489
Hello. So your problem is that when you add prodcut in order screen and that product have set "override final price" it is not added with overriden price? (we can fix that) Or you didn't add the new product?

Also, please

- What version of VirtueMart are you using?
- Can you post the image again with bigger resolution? Seems your image editor adds whitespace around.
- It looks like the problem is similar to one you posted here: - discounted price is not taken into tax summary (we will fix that).
ARTIO Support Team
Last Edit: 12 years, 6 months ago by pama.
The topic has been locked.

Re: Many bugs as calculations 12 years, 6 months ago #32161

virtuemart 2.0.8 C is my version


here the problem . the original price is 5 € (4,20 + tax 19% ) override 2 €

the final TAX that the system calculate 1,10 are right but it's 8,23 that it's wrong and 9,90

this are the summary of the base price with tax and without tax but for the client can you understand that it's bit complicate to understand also because in the website i show the price with tax 5 € and a " SLEEPER " customers never see this 4,20

i hope you can help me because the website it's finish and it can't start about this problem.

Last Edit: 12 years, 6 months ago by coppo82.
The topic has been locked.
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