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Make Invoice ID and Order ID match
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TOPIC: Make Invoice ID and Order ID match

Make Invoice ID and Order ID match 14 years, 1 month ago #19866


I wonder if it is possible to make the Invoice ID match the Order ID

Like the VM Invoice manager is made now the Invoice ID starts with number 1 at the last Order ID which for example could be 240.

When creating batch invoices when no invoices is created before the numbering gets screwd.

In my case Order ID 1 gets Invoice ID 654, Order ID 2 gets Invoice ID 653 And so on.

I would like to have the opertunity to create Invoice ID and Order ID which will follow each other.
Order 1 is Invoice 1 and so one.

I cant use the choise of Using Order number as Invoice ID since there are some gaps in the order count, many order is deleted. My accounting manager needs Invoice ID to go from 1 and up without gaps.

I only need to revers the turn the ID column under Invoices upside down :)

Anyone understands my problem and got a solution? :)
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Re: Make Invoice ID and Order ID match 14 years, 1 month ago #19868

  • jaku
I do not understand exactly what you want to achieve, but I will explain the possibilities you have in VM invoice:

1. you can use Invoice ID matching Order ID (you write this is not suitable for you)
2. you can use own invoice numbering ->
there are 2 parameters that control what the next invoice number will be
a) starting invoice ID set in configuration
b) the highest existing invoice ID found in dabase

If a) (configured Invoice ID) is higher than b) (highest existing Invoice ID); the a) value will be used. In other cases b) + 1 value will be used as next Invoice ID.

These are numbered in order as invoices are created = orders change their status. So it is well possible that if order #35 will be confirmed before order #30, the order #35 will be assigned invoice #30 while order #30 will get assigned invoice #31.

So, to start from some point, you can setup the invoice numbering start number e.g. to 1000, and your invoices will be numbered 1000, 1001, 1002, ... in the order of order confirmations.

If you need to reset to 1, you need to delete all existing invioce numbers in database (#__vminvoice_mailsended table) and then regenerate the invoices. (you need to do this manually using some DB manager)
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Re: Make Invoice ID and Order ID match 14 years ago #19874

I had hoped there would be a possibility to make the column to the left (ID) start from 1 at the bottom and not the top.

As things are now a batch generating of PDF invoices will generate PDF invoice number with start of 1 at the newest order, and PDF invoice number 664 for the oldest order.
I would like to have the lowest PDF invoice number for the oldest order number.

See the attached pic. Red number is what i would like it to be.

Hope i could clarify :)
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Re: Make Invoice ID and Order ID match 14 years ago #19875

  • jaku
Got it... just to make sure - what batch process did you use to generate those?
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Re: Make Invoice ID and Order ID match 14 years ago #19878

I mark the ID coulm to the left which selcts all the orders and then uses the PDF button up to the right to generate PDF invoice for all my Orders.
Last Edit: 14 years ago by tarild. Reason: mistype
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Re: Make Invoice ID and Order ID match 14 years ago #19898

  • jaku
ok, we will add some setting that will allow configuring the order of creating when using the batch process.
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