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Is there reference number possibility in VMInvoice
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TOPIC: Is there reference number possibility in VMInvoice

Is there reference number possibility in VMInvoice 12 years ago #36228


In invoiced we need a reference number that can be used in the payment details as a reference number (not as a text). I wonder is there any number in VM2 that is suitable for this? How is the Vm2 Invoice/ordernumbers counted? Are they usable in normal reference-number-fields? Or what is the significance of variable number? What is it exactly?

The reference-number must be such that it is accepted by the banks as a reference number. Not the one to be used in the reference-text-field but the reference-number-field (letters are also accepted nowadays as long as the last number is counted from the previous numbers).

Any ideas for this?

Ofcause we can add those by hand via extrafields, but this would be much better if this would be automatic!

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Re: Is there reference number possibility in VMInvoice 12 years ago #36230

Actually when I try to save data in the Extra_field_3 in the VMInvoice I get the question 'Do you want to save customer details' and I choose yes. But when I go back to the invoice/order-details the field is empty.

I have enabled the extra_field_3 both in the Virtuemart customer-fields and also in the VM Invoice settings. I see it as an option in the order-details below the customer details. But when I try to save in that field my reference-number it does not get saved. What am I doing wrong?


p.s. the same number gets saved if I add it to the Customer Title but not when I add it to the Extra Field 3.
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Re: Is there reference number possibility in VMInvoice 12 years ago #36263

  • maju
  • Posts: 1107

when I create extra field for reference number on our demo site, it works fine and data are saved.

VM2 has its own numbering for invoices/orders and VM Invoice can use also its own numbering which you can set in Invoice Configuration -> Invoice Numbering, or you can use VM id or order number.

You can show invoice number with tag {INVOICE_NUMBER}
ARTIO Support Team
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