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Integrating downloadable PDF
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TOPIC: Integrating downloadable PDF

Integrating downloadable PDF 11 years, 1 month ago #42316


I am having some problems trying to integrate the downloadable PDF. I have followed the instructions from here:

And I also edited the list.php file in the template.

However, I run into problems when creating the delivery/invoice note.

Referring to step 5, do I add this code into the delivery note:

<a href="index.php?option=com_vminvoice&controller=invoices&task=pdf&cid=<?php
echo $row->virtuemart_order_id
?>" target="_blank">
<img src="<?php echo JURI::root()?>media/media/images/mime-icon-16/pdf.png">

However, when I do this, the picture (PDF) icon is missing. Furthermore, the link does not work when the note is emailed. I found that for any <a href="....."> - the link is never clickable in the email, even though it is in the delivery/invoice note editor.

Finally, after manually entering the URL - I get the error: "You do not have permission to view this resource."$row-%3Evirtuemart_order_id%20?%3E

But when I put in the order ID manually, I am able to download it:

Therefore, I believe my problem lies in this part of the code (THE ORDER ID PART)
<?phpecho $row->virtuemart_order_id?>

Could you please suggest a way to fix this and also the hyperlink problem I mentioned earlier. I am using Virtuemart 2.0.26 if this of any help.

Thank you very much.
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Re: Integrating downloadable PDF 11 years, 1 month ago #42421

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Re: Integrating downloadable PDF 11 years, 1 month ago #42472

  • mitk

this feature is described in our documentation here:

Please, try to compare it with your procedure, if it is the same.
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