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Explain tax calculation
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TOPIC: Explain tax calculation

Explain tax calculation 12 years, 4 months ago #33818

Who can help me, left is the mail send by VM. And right is the invoice. Somehow the tax is calculated wrong...

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Re: Explain tax calculation 12 years, 4 months ago #33820

I have noticed the sum:
tax of 1 product = total tax

original total tax - tax of 1 product + total product row.

So in below it is:
0,14 = total tax

1,40 - 0,14 = 1,26
1,26 + 23,60 = 24,86

See picture:
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Re: Explain tax calculation 12 years, 4 months ago #33871

Regarding to this topic i also clicked "refresh" on my backend management. Then also my TAX jumps to -other-. Strange... still looking for the answer to this critical fault...

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Re: Explain tax calculation 12 years, 4 months ago #33898

While working for Sjors, i found a bug in Artio vmInvoice code running on VM2 latest:


search for:
$sql = 'SELECT item.*,item.`virtuemart_order_item_id` AS `order_item_id`,
item.`virtuemart_product_id` AS `product_id`,
item.`virtuemart_vendor_id` AS `vendor_id`,
item.product_basePriceWithTax AS product_price_with_tax,
item.product_subtotal_discount/product_quantity AS product_price_discount,
item.product_tax/product_quantity AS product_tax,
item.product_subtotal_with_tax/product_quantity AS product_subtotal_with_tax,
lang.product_s_desc, lang.product_desc, product.product_weight, product.product_weight_uom
FROM `#__virtuemart_order_items` AS item
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_products` AS product ON item.virtuemart_product_id = product.virtuemart_product_id
.self::getVm2LanguageTable('#__virtuemart_products').' AS lang ON item.virtuemart_product_id = lang.virtuemart_product_id
($orderId ? '`virtuemart_order_id` = ' . (int)$orderId : ' `virtuemart_order_item_id` IN ('.implode(',',(array)$orderItemsIds).')').
' ORDER BY item.`'.$orderCol.'` '.$orderDir;

replace with:
$sql = 'SELECT item.*,item.`virtuemart_order_item_id` AS `order_item_id`,
item.`virtuemart_product_id` AS `product_id`,
item.`virtuemart_vendor_id` AS `vendor_id`,
item.product_basePriceWithTax AS product_price_with_tax,
item.product_subtotal_discount/product_quantity AS product_price_discount,
item.product_tax/product_quantity AS product_tax2,
item.product_subtotal_with_tax/product_quantity AS product_subtotal_with_tax,
lang.product_s_desc, lang.product_desc, product.product_weight, product.product_weight_uom
FROM `#__virtuemart_order_items` AS item
LEFT JOIN `#__virtuemart_products` AS product ON item.virtuemart_product_id = product.virtuemart_product_id
.self::getVm2LanguageTable('#__virtuemart_products').' AS lang ON item.virtuemart_product_id = lang.virtuemart_product_id
($orderId ? '`virtuemart_order_id` = ' . (int)$orderId : ' `virtuemart_order_item_id` IN ('.implode(',',(array)$orderItemsIds).')').
' ORDER BY item.`'.$orderCol.'` '.$orderDir;

As you can see the product_tax is loaded twice here and is incorrectly calculated. The VM2 (latest) stores the product tax per item not per whole product subtotal and thus dividing it with the quantity leads to incorrect results.

Best Regards,
Last Edit: 12 years, 4 months ago by sscholtz.
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