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Error msg: Unable to delete without the order id
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TOPIC: Error msg: Unable to delete without the order id

Error msg: Unable to delete without the order id 14 years, 1 month ago #18726


VM Invoice version 1.2.3 is working ok, mail is beeing send, pdf link generates ok, but I am getting an error message bellow account page. (see atachment)

How can this be solved?
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Re: Error msg: Unable to delete without the order id 14 years, 1 month ago #18737

  • jaku

I cannot see any relation with VM Invoice.
When does this appear? Is the error always there or does it appear only after some action is triggered?
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Re: Error msg: Unable to delete without the order id 14 years, 1 month ago #18743


I found the code from where the error is comming from in file administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_order.php

596 ** name: validate_delete()
597 ** created by: gday
598 ** description: Validate form values prior to delete
599 ** parameters: $d
600 ** returns: True - validation passed
601 ** False - validation failed
602 ********************************************************************/
603 function validate_delete($order_id) {
605 $db = new ps_DB;
607 if(empty( $order_id )) {
608 $this->error = "Unable to delete without the order id.";
609 return False;
610 }
612 // Get the order items and update the stock level
613 // to the number before the order was placed
614 $q = "SELECT product_id, product_quantity FROM #__{vm}_order_item WHERE order_id='$order_id'";
615 $db->query( $q );
616 $dbu = new ps_DB;
617 // Now update each ordered product
618 while( $db->next_record() ) {
619 $q = "UPDATE #__{vm}_product SET product_in_stock=product_in_stock+".$db->f("product_quantity")
620 .",product_sales=product_sales-".$db->f("product_quantity")." WHERE product_id='".$db->f("product_id")."'";
621 $dbu->query( $q );
622 }
624 return True;
625 }

I was hopping if you can update the integration for virtuemart 1.1.6 (new ps_order.php as attachment)
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Re: Error msg: Unable to delete without the order id 14 years, 1 month ago #18745

Hm maybe zip attachment can be added..
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Re: Error msg: Unable to delete without the order id 14 years ago #18779

  • jaku
in VirtueMart 1.1.6, the code needs to be inserted after the line 723.
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