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Can not delete invoice items
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TOPIC: Can not delete invoice items

Can not delete invoice items 11 years, 5 months ago #40763

I have been using VMInvoice for a couple of years now. It seems that every time a new update comes out, something gets broke! I can no longer delete items from an invoice! When I click on the delete button, nothing happens. I really wish you guy would make it possible to go back to the previous version. I only upgraded because I liked the new notes feature. I am still running J1.5.26 with VM 1.1.9. Any help would be appreciated.
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Re: Can not delete invoice items 11 years, 5 months ago #40908

I ended up sending an e-mail directly to Artio and got this issue solved. For those who may be looking at this with the same issue, here is the solution.

This functionality requires an updated Mootools. To do so, go into Plugin Manager under Extensions in Joomla. Find the plugin "System - Mootools Upgrade" and enable it.

That is all there is to it. Hopefully me passing this along will help someone else since Artio seems to be very hit or miss on their customer support forum on answering questions! They make great software but are understaffed and their tech support here on the forum is very lacking! They are pretty good but could be GREAT with better support.
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